I'm going to let you in on a little secret...if you want to win over my heart, just invite me to go chase the sunset with you! haha! But seriously. I could never grow tired of chasing the sunset. I mean, it's such an incredible gift that God shares with us every evening.  And if you really think about it, chasing the sunset is quite like our walk with the Lord and spending time with Him. You get away from the world and experience something much bigger. Something more beautiful. Something incredible and so indescribable. I'm sure the exact same could be said about the sunrise, but lets be honest, I'm not a 'rise before the sun' kind of girl. There's very few things I will wake that early for! Anyhow, I am so thankful for a husband that supports my crave for chasing the sunset and I am even more thankful for that time I get to spend with him. 

This particular time we drove out to our favorite little hidden spot at Waxahachie lake! It's one of the best places to watch the sunset over the lake. This is like my little recharging station. A moment to pause, be still. reflect, and refresh. I will never not take the opportunity to do so. Thank you Lord for this amazing gift you share with us. 

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. - Psalm 113:3

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