Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin' down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend
Does anyone else sing that very annoying song when Friday rolls around? No? Just me? Okay then...haha! Moving along...Happy Friday! Monday was a drag, but this week went by fairly fast for us. No complaints here. Time for Oh Hey Friday with Karli at Sept Farm.
{O N E} Every time I scroll through Instagram I see cute little looping videos made with an app called Boomerang. So I downloaded it. Mason and I had some fun with it....
{T W O} Mason got to visit Nate's work yesterday for bring your kid to work day. Below is what I shared about it on my Instagram...
He had the best time and I think it was more than he could have dreamed! He brought home a backpack full of things that they gave him at the plant and so many stories to tell me. Nate works for a Missiles and Fire Control plant, so it's very top secret and photos {and spouses - boo!} are not allowed. I wish I could have seen pictures of all the activities he got to do. A couple more photos of my guys before they left...
{T H R E E} Mason's teacher mentioned to me on Wednesday that Mason was having trouble seeing some things in the classroom even with his glasses on. So I called the eye doctor to see if they had anything open for the next day {since Mason would already be off}. I knew it was a long-shot, but they did have one last appointment and the time was perfect! So, after the fun day at Nate's work they trucked on over to the eye doctor. Mason's vision has changed quite a bit and he needs new lenses. As with his first appointment we let Mason pick out his own glasses. We want them to be something he loves since he is the one wearing them. Nate said they tried on every single pair they offered for little boys, but Mason kept coming back to the same Nike ones. And then he found out that he could customize his colors and that pretty much sealed the deal! I knew with their shoes you could go online and design your own pair, but I never thought you could do that with glasses as well. So cool! We ordered two pairs, one normal pair and then a pair of the same glasses but as sunglasses. Mason is fair skinned and blue eyed and has very sensitive eyes like his mama. Now he can wear sunnies and still be able to see! I can't wait for them to come in so that I can see them in person. Here is what he picked {these glasses, but the colors in the print-out}...
{F O U R} Mason's birthday party is in one week from Saturday. One week away and I am not even stressing! This is unheard of for me. The location we are having it at is awesome and there's not much we have to do in lieu of bringing our decorations and cake. I'm pumped! Mason chose a Batman/superhero theme and it was pretty easy to find decor and party supplies for. We got our Batman shirts in the mail yesterday, so we are ready!!
{F I V E} Someone else is a little excited that it's Friday...

Happy Weekend! Any plans?