We are almost finished with our 2nd week of Pre-K. Wahoo! First of all, I can't say enough good things about Fire House Kids. The way those teachers love those kids will melt your Mama heart in an instant. From the minute you walk in the doors you feel a sense of peace, happiness and love. And it just confirms over and over again that we are in the right place! God called us here for a reason!
Week one went great! Mason went Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday without any tears at drop off. Thursday and Friday included tears. I wrote more about that yesterday. You can see that post here. Mason freaks out about nap time because he just does not like naps! He loves school, but dreads naps every day. Monday after school he wanted to draw his teacher a picture. He drew pictures of what he loved about her class and then he drew a little boy laying down {complete with a dream bubble} with a slash through it. He asked me to write, "Can we please not do nap time" next to the drawing! haha. Ms Mistty got a pretty good laugh out of it. His sweet teacher started leaving her watch with him {she lunches during part of their nap time} and told him that when the clock turned 2:00pm she would be back. He asked her if it would beep at him when it turned two. ha! Anyhow, it made him feel better and gave him a 'mission' during nap time. One day he even asked Ms. Mistty if she could just grab a small lunch and get back to him really quick. She thought it was sweet and hilarious! She called me to tell me all about it and we both cracked up! Thursday was Pajama Day! Mason and I both look forward to pajama days. He can just sleep in what he is wearing the next day and all I have to do is put shoes on him the next morning! Win // Win!!! Friday was show & tell. Mason took his baseball trophy & medal and wore his jersey. There's a picture of him below showing & telling.
Week two has gone great, but many tears have been shed in the mornings. Ms. Mistty is so great to try to find something for Mason to do to make him happy. Mason has a couple of laser lights with different things on them; an astronaut, a dinosaur and a pirate skull and crossbones and his teacher will turn off all the lights and let Mason show them to the class. Mason also met a new 'friend' this week{teacher that is with them at nap time}. She lets Mason sit with her and chat instead of sleeping. He was pretty excited about that. They started curriculum this week, so it has been fun to see Mason's work come home with him in the evenings. They also had a little birthday party for a classmate and she brought them cupcakes with little toy dinosaurs on top. Mason loved it. He's on a dinosaur kick this week.
They also started a 'class pet' this week. It's a stuffed puppy that a different kid will take home with them each week. His teacher encourages them to take pictures and notes about their adventures with their family. And they will also start a "student of the week" starting in September. So much to look forward too.
I'm really excited about this school year. We are so blessed to have Ms Mistty as a teacher and to be in a wonderful Christian facility.
Has your child started Pre-K? How is it going?
{It's the Little Things // Sweet Teachers}
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Linking up with Ashley and Jess for It's the Little Things.
Nathan and I were talking yesterday about Mason and school and how we love the fact that FHK hand picks each child for a teacher based on their needs and personality. In the threes class we were blessed with such a sweet teacher that Mason adored. And now here we are in Pre-K and they couldn't have put Mason with a sweeter, better teacher. She has been nothing but kind and understanding. Mason and I are attached at the hip and we have a touch of separation anxiety. Mornings have been a little hard for the last 5 or so days. Mason cries when I leave and it rips my heart apart. He cries not because he doesn't like school but because he doesn't want me to leave. It's so hard on my Mama heart! But, his teacher is so incredibly sweet...she will send me a quick text or a picture of Mason just a bit later to reassure me that Mason is happy and having a good day. It totally turns my day around. And this is just one of the sweet little things she does for us. I will have a whole Pre-K post soon!
What little things are making your heart happy this week?
{A Grateful Heart // VOL 2}
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Linking up with Ember Grey for A Grateful Heart. I found this linkup through a blogger friend and am so happy that I did. If you haven't checked out this linkup before I encourage that you do so. It's a open for a week at a time and we all have a little something to be grateful for, right?!
+ grace
+ sweet teachers that understand separation anxiety
+ anniversaries
+ photographs
+ in-laws that happily watch Mase when we need a date night
+ gps
+ breakfast dates with co-workers
+ text/picture messages
+ faith & prayer
+ my kindle and books
What are you grateful for this week?
+ photographs
+ in-laws that happily watch Mase when we need a date night
+ gps
+ breakfast dates with co-workers
+ text/picture messages
+ faith & prayer
+ my kindle and books
What are you grateful for this week?

{8.25.14 - 8 years}
Monday, August 25, 2014
Dear Nathan,
Can you believe it's been eight years since we stood before God, our family and closest friends and said I do? Why we got married in August in Texas I will never know...but I do know it was one of the best days of my life!
But beyond that, can you believe this year marks 18 years total for us? Not sure how that is since we're only twenty-one. ;) From the day I met you I knew I was going to marry you. Yes, even back in High School I knew. I told everyone and I am sure I heard quite a few "Yeah, whatevers"! But I just knew. You completed me. You brought out something in me that I had never felt before. You made my heart love so much that it ached. You were my soul mate and I felt it with every fiber of my being.
Thank you for being my best friend, my strength, my inspiration, my laughter & joy, and as I have said before...the calm to my chaos. I love doing life with you. I love being your wife and your partner in this whole parenthood thing. I love everything about you.
Happy Anniversary my Lobster! I love you!!

{Jake makes the escape...}
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Happy Thursday friends!
So, my window in my home office overlooks the front of our property and our street...I look out to see something casually strolling down the road away from our house. I couldn't make out what it was at first. I went on the porch to get a better look...
JAKE!!!!!! Our family donkey is out of his pen and walking down the road. He'd walk, stop to get a bite and then look back and I am almost certain he was laughing & smiling. Like haha, I got out and am getting away.
I text and then call my brother in law who is usually my hero in times like this, but he was a couple of towns away.
I grab one of Gunner's collars and leashes & my keys and hop in my car. No way I am about to walk down there and end up on a wild goose chase in 100+ degree weather. Oh and in my pajama pants, too. Hot Mess Express, Hello!! Oh and don't even ask me what I was going to do with the collar and leash from inside my car. I have no clue.
I got to the end of the road where he was feasting on a neighbor's yard, park my car and get out and head towards him. He starts running back towards our house. So I turn my car around and follow him. He makes a pit stop at a neighbor's house who's horse is at the fence-line {watching the free circus show, I am sure} so I have to get out again and chase him off. I finally get him in our yard and at the back of our property. I came in to put my keys and the leash up and rushed back out to make sure he wasn't having a buffet lunch in the garden.
He wasn't. But, he was plotting his next escape plan... I am sure of it. So, I run around the other side of the house to chase him back closer to his area/pen, laughing at myself the whole time. I finally get his stubborn self over to the other side and look up only to see one of our elderly neighbors (who's property backs up to ours) on her back porch watching!
This kind of stuff only happens when Nate is gone, I tell you. And anytime I am doing anything embarrassing my neighbor is sure to be out.
I guess I should just be thankful I had on a bra this time.
Alas, all is well and Jake is back in his pen.
Just a typical work day....eh?
What's a day in your life like? ;)

So, my window in my home office overlooks the front of our property and our street...I look out to see something casually strolling down the road away from our house. I couldn't make out what it was at first. I went on the porch to get a better look...
JAKE!!!!!! Our family donkey is out of his pen and walking down the road. He'd walk, stop to get a bite and then look back and I am almost certain he was laughing & smiling. Like haha, I got out and am getting away.
I text and then call my brother in law who is usually my hero in times like this, but he was a couple of towns away.
I grab one of Gunner's collars and leashes & my keys and hop in my car. No way I am about to walk down there and end up on a wild goose chase in 100+ degree weather. Oh and in my pajama pants, too. Hot Mess Express, Hello!! Oh and don't even ask me what I was going to do with the collar and leash from inside my car. I have no clue.
I got to the end of the road where he was feasting on a neighbor's yard, park my car and get out and head towards him. He starts running back towards our house. So I turn my car around and follow him. He makes a pit stop at a neighbor's house who's horse is at the fence-line {watching the free circus show, I am sure} so I have to get out again and chase him off. I finally get him in our yard and at the back of our property. I came in to put my keys and the leash up and rushed back out to make sure he wasn't having a buffet lunch in the garden.
He wasn't. But, he was plotting his next escape plan... I am sure of it. So, I run around the other side of the house to chase him back closer to his area/pen, laughing at myself the whole time. I finally get his stubborn self over to the other side and look up only to see one of our elderly neighbors (who's property backs up to ours) on her back porch watching!
This kind of stuff only happens when Nate is gone, I tell you. And anytime I am doing anything embarrassing my neighbor is sure to be out.
I guess I should just be thankful I had on a bra this time.
Alas, all is well and Jake is back in his pen.
Just a typical work day....eh?
What's a day in your life like? ;)

{It's the Little Things - a giver's heart}
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
![]() |
Pre-K // Day 2 |
Yesterday we stopped by the donut store on the way to school. Mason picked out a glazed donut with white icing with a black storm trooper ring in the center of it. He loves those donuts with the silly little rings. And I love that those silly little things excite him. We paid for his donut and headed back into the car. I was already buckling him in his car seat when he says,
"but, I would like to get a donut for Ms Mistty Mama"
Without any hesitation I said sure and unbuckled him and we went back in. While we were walking I told him that he was a sweet sweet boy with a sweet heart and he says,
"Yes mama just like you. I want to do something nice for her."
Cue the tears!!!
We walked back in and the owner tilted her head and looked at us and said 'you forget something?' And I told her that Mason wanted to pick out a donut for his teacher. The lady behind us said, "Oh how sweet!" and Mason just smiled. He picked her out a donut with pink icing and sprinkles and we were on our way.
Anytime my baby wants to give I will not stop him! I love that he has such a sweet soul and a giver's heart. I want to encourage that. I want to encourage giving...and not just of material things but of many things. Giving his time to help a person in need, giving a shoulder to lean on, praying for others, etc.
It was something so little, but yet so so big.
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath given thee
- Deuteronomy 16:17

It's the little things,
Mason's Growth
{A Grateful Heart // VOL 1}
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
I am definitely in a season of Gratefulness. For the last week or so I have caught myself just stopping what I am doing and thinking about all of the blessings I have been given! All praise be to Jesus!
+ family that cares so much about Mason that they came over after his first day of Pre-K to hear all about it.
+ mason's school and the wonderful staff that work there. They truly care for the kids and that's evident every time I step foot in the school.
+ prayer
+ working from home
+ a loving husband who after 18 years still makes my heart flutter
+ morning coffee outside
+ a little boy with a sweet giver's heart
+ memories {going through and scanning old pictures for some posts coming up}
+ the company of our sweet Gunner boy
Linking up with Ember Grey for a Grateful Heart.

{Mason goes to Pre-K // first day}
Monday, August 18, 2014
First of all, thank you to all of those that kept us in thought and prayer about starting Pre-K. They were definitely felt! The morning could not have went better!!
I couldn't sleep last night! I felt like I was going to school the next day, even had the stomach ache for old times sake, I suppose. I drifted off sometime after 1 while holding my sweet little baby. My sweet little baby who is not so much of a baby anymore. My sweet little baby that was going to Pre-K the next day....
Nathan and I woke up a little before Mason to get ready, get Gunner fed and taken outside and to get everything ready for his big day! We let Gunner wake up Mason because we knew that was sure to wake him in a good mood! And it did. He was cracking up because Gunner kept sitting on his head. Nate and I walked back into the living room to finish getting everything ready and Mason came trotting in there full of smiles. Nate scooped him up and I told Mason I was putting his glasses case in his backpack for when he needed to take them off at naptime. And Nate reminded him not to let his friends play with them. Mason went into this big spill how he will not let his friends play with his glasses because they might scratch them or break them. It was cute...and definitely comforting that he was talking about going to school. A good start!
I got him dressed while Nate took Gunner out again. He was excited! He even made me change his shoes because he wanted to wear his "new back to school shoes". I let him even though the OCD in me wanted him to wear the chucks that matched. It's his day and if he wants to wear shoes that don't match, then so be it! We got his back to school shoes on and then he said those two dreaded words, I'm scared. I told him there was nothing to be scared about and that he was going to have so much fun. And he was good to go!
He picked out 2 little skateboards to take with him. One for him and one for a friend.
I asked Mason if we could take a couple of pictures for his first day and he says, "No, I just really want to get to school" but I somehow convinced him to take a few!
I asked him if he wanted to hear any music on the way there and of course he chose Gangnam Style....twice. And he sang his little heart out all the way to the donut store. We got donuts and a milk and were on our way. We talked about happy stuff all the way there and he told us how much he loved his backpack and lunchbox.
We got to school and started walking up to his classroom. Just as we reached the top of the stairs Mason was scooped up by his 3 year old teacher and showered in lots of hugs and kisses!! I know that it helped to put his little first day jitters at ease! After visiting with Ms Brittan we headed to Mason's new classroom. We were the only ones in there for a bit. Then a little boy came in and Mason played blocks with him. Not much longer his teacher and a group of kids came in. Mason gave his teacher her little first day of class gift and then went to play. They had a car mat and a bag full of hot-wheels and she said they could play! He was excited. His worry has been that his new classroom doesn't have any toys!
We were saying our goodbyes and his sweet teacher offered to take a picture of all three of us. Mason didn't cry and barely even looked up from playing to tell us Goodbye!
He did so well. And he was so big. I just can't believe we have a Pre-Kindergartner!!! Where has the time gone?
And pictures from my phone...
Happy Monday friends!
I couldn't sleep last night! I felt like I was going to school the next day, even had the stomach ache for old times sake, I suppose. I drifted off sometime after 1 while holding my sweet little baby. My sweet little baby who is not so much of a baby anymore. My sweet little baby that was going to Pre-K the next day....
Nathan and I woke up a little before Mason to get ready, get Gunner fed and taken outside and to get everything ready for his big day! We let Gunner wake up Mason because we knew that was sure to wake him in a good mood! And it did. He was cracking up because Gunner kept sitting on his head. Nate and I walked back into the living room to finish getting everything ready and Mason came trotting in there full of smiles. Nate scooped him up and I told Mason I was putting his glasses case in his backpack for when he needed to take them off at naptime. And Nate reminded him not to let his friends play with them. Mason went into this big spill how he will not let his friends play with his glasses because they might scratch them or break them. It was cute...and definitely comforting that he was talking about going to school. A good start!
I got him dressed while Nate took Gunner out again. He was excited! He even made me change his shoes because he wanted to wear his "new back to school shoes". I let him even though the OCD in me wanted him to wear the chucks that matched. It's his day and if he wants to wear shoes that don't match, then so be it! We got his back to school shoes on and then he said those two dreaded words, I'm scared. I told him there was nothing to be scared about and that he was going to have so much fun. And he was good to go!
He picked out 2 little skateboards to take with him. One for him and one for a friend.
I asked Mason if we could take a couple of pictures for his first day and he says, "No, I just really want to get to school" but I somehow convinced him to take a few!
I asked him if he wanted to hear any music on the way there and of course he chose Gangnam Style....twice. And he sang his little heart out all the way to the donut store. We got donuts and a milk and were on our way. We talked about happy stuff all the way there and he told us how much he loved his backpack and lunchbox.
We got to school and started walking up to his classroom. Just as we reached the top of the stairs Mason was scooped up by his 3 year old teacher and showered in lots of hugs and kisses!! I know that it helped to put his little first day jitters at ease! After visiting with Ms Brittan we headed to Mason's new classroom. We were the only ones in there for a bit. Then a little boy came in and Mason played blocks with him. Not much longer his teacher and a group of kids came in. Mason gave his teacher her little first day of class gift and then went to play. They had a car mat and a bag full of hot-wheels and she said they could play! He was excited. His worry has been that his new classroom doesn't have any toys!
We were saying our goodbyes and his sweet teacher offered to take a picture of all three of us. Mason didn't cry and barely even looked up from playing to tell us Goodbye!
He did so well. And he was so big. I just can't believe we have a Pre-Kindergartner!!! Where has the time gone?
Praying he has a good day!
Happy Monday friends!
First Day of School,
{Oh Hey Friday}
Friday, August 15, 2014
{O N E}
I've been on a book binge! Since last Friday I've ready If I Stay, Where She Went and I am about to finish The Fault in our Stars. Up next is Gone Girl. I started it last Fall, but it was right in the middle of our move from our Dallas office to our home offices and I pushed it aside. It's still on my kindle so I am going to start it over and hopefully finish it this time.
Any book suggestions?
{T W O}
We actually have no set plans this weekend. We were supposed to go camping for my sister's birthday, but that fell through. I think we may check out the Texas Trophy Hunters event in Fort Worth on Saturday.
{T H R E E}
I mentioned last week I was having trouble getting my emails from Blogger through email...well, I created a gmail for my blog and switched my comments over to that. So far it's working! I've been getting them all. I am starting to wonder if maybe it was a yahoo mail issue rather than a blogger issue? Anyhow, my new blog email address is HallAroundTexas@gmail.com if you need me!
{F O U R}
I was reading Texas Mrs. and she mentioned how she loves 90s country, which is also an obsession of mine. So I was looking up and listening to 90s country when I came across Tanya Tucker. She was one of the first cassette tapes I remember having and listening to over and over. And then I started remembering this one song, "I'll Tennessee you in my Dreams" and bawling my eyes out. My Grandparents have always lived in Tennessee and us in Texas and that song always made me think about them and miss them so much!! Do you have a song like that? That brings back so many memories and makes you cry?
{F I V E}
Friends, please pray for us. Mason starts Pre-K next Monday and it's going to be a transition for all of us. Right now he is really excited and wants to go, but I know that when it comes to dropping off time on Monday he will break. He will love it once he's there, but it's the dropping off that's so hard. We're so attached.
And because I can't post without a picture....

I've been on a book binge! Since last Friday I've ready If I Stay, Where She Went and I am about to finish The Fault in our Stars. Up next is Gone Girl. I started it last Fall, but it was right in the middle of our move from our Dallas office to our home offices and I pushed it aside. It's still on my kindle so I am going to start it over and hopefully finish it this time.
Any book suggestions?
{T W O}
We actually have no set plans this weekend. We were supposed to go camping for my sister's birthday, but that fell through. I think we may check out the Texas Trophy Hunters event in Fort Worth on Saturday.
{T H R E E}
I mentioned last week I was having trouble getting my emails from Blogger through email...well, I created a gmail for my blog and switched my comments over to that. So far it's working! I've been getting them all. I am starting to wonder if maybe it was a yahoo mail issue rather than a blogger issue? Anyhow, my new blog email address is HallAroundTexas@gmail.com if you need me!
{F O U R}
I was reading Texas Mrs. and she mentioned how she loves 90s country, which is also an obsession of mine. So I was looking up and listening to 90s country when I came across Tanya Tucker. She was one of the first cassette tapes I remember having and listening to over and over. And then I started remembering this one song, "I'll Tennessee you in my Dreams" and bawling my eyes out. My Grandparents have always lived in Tennessee and us in Texas and that song always made me think about them and miss them so much!! Do you have a song like that? That brings back so many memories and makes you cry?
{F I V E}
Friends, please pray for us. Mason starts Pre-K next Monday and it's going to be a transition for all of us. Right now he is really excited and wants to go, but I know that when it comes to dropping off time on Monday he will break. He will love it once he's there, but it's the dropping off that's so hard. We're so attached.
And because I can't post without a picture....

{It's the Little Things - PreK Meet the Teacher night}
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Last night was Meet The Teacher night at Mason's school. I wasn't sure how it was going to go. Mason took the Summer off and he wasn't too keen about getting a new teacher when he returned. He absolutely adored his teacher he had in the 3's room and really couldn't fathom being in a different room. A few days ago his Pre-K teacher sent him a letter. It was addressed and written too him. He thought it was neat. He said, "I guess she's not so bad after all"! haha.
Anyhow, fast forward to last night. He invited his Nana and Papa and uncle T-Ty to go with us. They are very much a part of his life and they also pick him up from school on occasion. We pulled up and Mason started getting so excited and jumping up and down! It calmed my Mama heart so much! He couldn't wait to get in.
It's the little things,
Meet the Teacher,
{Weekend Wrap-up - Jellystone Park}
Monday, August 11, 2014
Good morning and Happy Monday! As I mentioned on Oh Hey Friday, we went camping yet again this weekend. {Ps - when I say camping I mean in a camper...with AC. Too hot in Texas to tent camp!!} We went to Rustic Creek Ranch {Jellystone} in Burleson, TX. This was our 4th time to go there and I think it gets more fun every time!!
Mason went down on Thursday evening with his Grandparents and we joined them Friday around 5:30 pm. When we pulled up Mason was riding on one of their Fire Engines and having a blast! They have an activity almost every hour. At 6:00 they rode the trains through the park and at 7:00 they went on the Hey Hey Hey Ride. Only this time it involved water! Nate and Jay took the boys and they came back soaked!!! Campers and workers had hoses and buckets of water to throw on them. Needless to say, they weren't too prepared to throw water back. That evening we just hung out and ate and talked.
Saturday morning we woke up and got ready for Pirates Cove! Mason and Kolton were so excited about going to the Water park!! I will be honest and say that going into this day I was not too excited or thrilled about it. I've never been much of a water park kind of girl. Give me mountains and snow!! But, I stepped out of my comfort zone and decided I was going to have a good time!!! The boys were the firs to hit the slides, of course. Ashley and I hung out in the shin-deep water and waited for them. Mason and Nate came down and Mason was crying! He was ticked off at the world and wouldn't even let me console him. He was upset because Nate made him go down the slide. They got all the way to the top and Mason changed his mind, but there were too many people behind them to try to walk down the stairs in the opposite direction. So, Nate made him go down the slide {knowing he'd love it}. We gave Mason a couple of minutes to cool off and then he says, "I WANT TO DO IT AGAIN"!!! So up they went.
Ashley and I joined them on their third time up! Mason and I rode a couple of rides together and then Mason rode a bunch of them by himself! He was such a big boy!!! He even did the water - hamster ball - thing and did great! He was able to stand and walk more than the 5 or so kids we saw. We stayed for about 3.5 hours and then decided to go inside to the arcade to let the boys play. They did! Mason had about 388 tickets and he was able to get so many little prizes. He was excited!!
I didn't get any pictures from the waterpark because I didn't want to get my phone wet. I didn't take my waterproof case and didn't want to chance it.
After the waterpark we headed back to get lunch. We ended up playing the game "Heads Up" with the entire group {11 of us} for hours and hours. That evening the boys did the firetrucks and trains again. Kolton, Ashley and Jay did laser tag and paintball. And at 7 us adults did the hey hey hey heyride again and were prepared to throw water back. Mason opted out of this one! He was cold and freezing the night before and didn't care to do that again. It was a blast!! That evening we played Heads Up, again. It was hilarious and so much fun!
Sunday morning Nate and I went for a walk with Gunner. We walked to the lake and back. It wasn't too hot out and the park was quiet!
Then it was time to pack up and head home! Of course the first thing we wanted after unloading was Ozzy's Snowcones! It was 104 degrees out and we hadn't been to Ozzy's in quite a while. So we went! But not before playing at home first....
And then a huge storm hit! Nate left to get food and Mason and I were just about to settle down in my bed to do eye-patch therapy time and I hear it raining. Gunner was whining so I went to look outside and see wind and rain blowing from every direction. And there was stuff flying everywhere. I couldn't open either door to get a better look because wind and rain was hitting both doors so hard. I twas frightening! I grabbed both boys and headed to my closet. We sat there a while until I heard it calm down a bit. The aftermath was crazy! It picked up and moved Mason's little tikes playhouse and tore it apart, threw our patio furniture about 15 feet away, picked up and moved Nate's yeti cooler that was still full from the weekend, threw our big outdoor trash into my car {ugh}, broke trees, tore up the garden, etc. It was wild!
Oh and we were without electricity from 6pm until 2 am. Thank God for good insulation and pella windows!!
How was your weekend?
Ashley and I joined them on their third time up! Mason and I rode a couple of rides together and then Mason rode a bunch of them by himself! He was such a big boy!!! He even did the water - hamster ball - thing and did great! He was able to stand and walk more than the 5 or so kids we saw. We stayed for about 3.5 hours and then decided to go inside to the arcade to let the boys play. They did! Mason had about 388 tickets and he was able to get so many little prizes. He was excited!!
I didn't get any pictures from the waterpark because I didn't want to get my phone wet. I didn't take my waterproof case and didn't want to chance it.
After the waterpark we headed back to get lunch. We ended up playing the game "Heads Up" with the entire group {11 of us} for hours and hours. That evening the boys did the firetrucks and trains again. Kolton, Ashley and Jay did laser tag and paintball. And at 7 us adults did the hey hey hey heyride again and were prepared to throw water back. Mason opted out of this one! He was cold and freezing the night before and didn't care to do that again. It was a blast!! That evening we played Heads Up, again. It was hilarious and so much fun!
Sunday morning Nate and I went for a walk with Gunner. We walked to the lake and back. It wasn't too hot out and the park was quiet!
Then it was time to pack up and head home! Of course the first thing we wanted after unloading was Ozzy's Snowcones! It was 104 degrees out and we hadn't been to Ozzy's in quite a while. So we went! But not before playing at home first....
And then a huge storm hit! Nate left to get food and Mason and I were just about to settle down in my bed to do eye-patch therapy time and I hear it raining. Gunner was whining so I went to look outside and see wind and rain blowing from every direction. And there was stuff flying everywhere. I couldn't open either door to get a better look because wind and rain was hitting both doors so hard. I twas frightening! I grabbed both boys and headed to my closet. We sat there a while until I heard it calm down a bit. The aftermath was crazy! It picked up and moved Mason's little tikes playhouse and tore it apart, threw our patio furniture about 15 feet away, picked up and moved Nate's yeti cooler that was still full from the weekend, threw our big outdoor trash into my car {ugh}, broke trees, tore up the garden, etc. It was wild!
Oh and we were without electricity from 6pm until 2 am. Thank God for good insulation and pella windows!!
How was your weekend?
Jellystone Park,
Weekend Wrapup
{Oh hey Friday}
Friday, August 8, 2014
Happy Friday!!! Linking up for Oh hey Friday!
{O N E}
We're going camping, yet again! This weekend we are heading to Jellystone Park. The last time we were there was in October for their big Halloween extravaganza, post here. Mason is already there with his Grandparents and I miss him something fierce. Can't wait until 4:00 so that we can get out of here and get down there.
{T W O}
I finished The Husbands Secret Wednesday night. I enjoyed the book, but the ending was kind of disturbing. Have you read it?
From Good Reads...
Imagine that your husband wrote you a letter, to be opened after his death. Imagine, too, that the letter contains his deepest, darkest secret—something with the potential to destroy not just the life you built together, but the lives of others as well. Imagine, then, that you stumble across that letter while your husband is still very much alive. . . .
Cecilia Fitzpatrick has achieved it all—she’s an incredibly successful businesswoman, a pillar of her small community, and a devoted wife and mother. Her life is as orderly and spotless as her home. But that letter is about to change everything, and not just for her: Rachel and Tess barely know Cecilia—or each other—but they too are about to feel the earth-shattering repercussions of her husband’s secret.
And then I binge read another book on Thursday. Stayed up entirely too late to finish it. And now I am obsessed with reading again. I have already downloaded three more. Somebody stop me...
Wait...on second thought...any recommendations?
{T H R E E}
I've been in a funk this week! Not sure what it is...but it's been hard to shake. It might be because I am dieting {or trying to} but I just don't know. Anyone that has looked at my IG account is probably wondering where the heck I've been. I haven't posted much at all.
{F O U R}
{F O U R}
Hubby and I had
a date night last night! We miss our little guy, but we were excited
and thankful to have an evening of just us. We went to dinner and a
movie. We had so much fun! We took a picture, but it was in the theater and it was too dark to post on here. Boo! Anyhow, with the funk I've been in this date night was much needed. I woke up today feeling a little refreshed. Even though I went to sleep about 3 1/2 hours later than normal.
{F I V E}
Mason is starting Pre-K in a couple of weeks!!! We got an invitation to meet the teacher night along with his school supply list. I took him a few days to pick out all his supplies.
Are we really already doing this?!
Any plans for the weekend?
{F I V E}
Mason is starting Pre-K in a couple of weeks!!! We got an invitation to meet the teacher night along with his school supply list. I took him a few days to pick out all his supplies.
Are we really already doing this?!
Any plans for the weekend?

Oh Hey Friday,
{Things Mason says - July 2014 edition}
Thursday, August 7, 2014
{in back seat chatting on a play phone}
Me: Mason who are you talking to?
M: Jake from Steak Farm {state farm}
{Mason to Gunner}
Teach me how to dougie, teach teach me how to dougie. Wait! Teach me how to doggie, teach teach me how to doggie.
{putting fake gold teeth under his pillow}
Think I can trick the tooth fairy Mama?
{i had just dressed him for the day}
Whoa Mama!!! I look like a soccer player. Awesomesauce!
{i asked Mason the name of the person that does magic trying to get him to say magician because i love the way he says it} he says...
M: Mama I know that Santa got me that big bear at Toys R Us.
Me: How do you know that?
M: There is a tag on it that spells Toys R Us
Mama you make my heart happy because you put all of my toys in buckets where I can find them easy.
Mama someone just pissappeared {disappeared} on this magic show.
{punching me}
M: I'm Spiderman and I punch all of the bad guys.
Me: Well I'm not a bad guy I am your mother. Don't punch me.
M: Spiderman doesn't have a mom.
M: Mama you know that show Austin and Ally? Well Austin is the boy on the show and guess what? He fell in love. With a girl. And she was a waitress. Can you believe that?
{5 minutes later from the above}
M: Mama can you get on your computer and order me a big piano?
{And another 5 minutes later}
M: Mama can you invite all of my friends over?
M: Mama you know what Gunner deserves? A pet. A little tiny sweet pet.

{It's the Little Things - Snapping}
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
For as long as I can remember Mason has wanted to learn two things...
His Daddy has spent many a hours trying to teach him both. {I can't whistle for anything}
Well, Mason has finally mastered snapping. And it makes him so darn happy. He walks around snapping all day everyday. I told Nate can you imagine the day he learns to whistle? We better brace ourselves for that.
It's definitely the little things...

{Weekend Wrap-up}
Monday, August 4, 2014
This past weekend we went camping with my family in their new camper. We camped at Navarro Mills in Purdon, TX. It was a nice & quaint little campground. The campsites are covered by tall trees so it's very shaded. Our site was just a few down from the park and the beach/swimming area. The boys loved that! Even Gunner. He had so much fun at the playground. And for whatever reason he constantly chased my nephew. It was funny!
We headed down on Friday around 4:45 pm and stayed until Sunday. The camping grounds were only about an hour from our house, so it wasn't too much traveling. Friday evening we hung out with my sister, brother in law and 2 nephews until my parents got there and then grilled some burgers. The boys fished a bit that evening while us girls sat outside and talked. Mason didn't last too long fishing. He came back and told us "It was my very first time and I just wanted to catch a fish, but I couldn't wait." ha! That evening he ended up falling off the bed in the camper and bit his lip pretty good. It bled and was a little swollen. He only cried for a minute and of course when Dad got back from fishing he couldn't wait to tell him he was bleeding! This was injury #1 of the weekend.
Saturday morning we woke up and all migrated outside. After breakfast we headed to Waco to the Academy in search of new bags for cornhole, but came back with $145 worth of stuff and no cornhole bags. We got Gunner a new kennel, bed and leash and Mason found a backpack and lunch bag for school. Oh, and they had their flip flops on sale for $5.99. It was a good thing I grabbed a couple of pair because my favorite ones ended up breaking the very next day!
Saturday afternoon/evening we played at the park and the boys went for a swim in the lake/beach area. Then we grilled some grub and ate. Nate moved the grill away from our sitting area to cool and Mason kept going near it. We kept telling him it was very, very hot and would burn him. BUT, he just had to find out for himself. He ran over before we could stop him {we yelled, but it didn't phase him} and it barely touched it with his pointer finger. It got him! Not horribly bad, but enough for him to cry for a solid 15 minutes. The only relief was holding it in a cold glass of tea. I was trying to distract him and see if he wanted to go to the park. He said, "Yes Mama, that will make me feel better." So off to the park we went. But, we had to bring the cup of tea and he kept putting his finger in it. He didn't play much because his finger was hurting. He kept his burnt little finger submerged into a cup of cold liquid until he finally passed out around 10:45 ish. That was injury #2.
There were no more injuries after that, but a few near misses! Boys are wild!!
Sunday was busy packing up and coming home. We were home before noon on Sunday. It was nice because it gave us time to unload & unpack and clean and do laundry before beginning the work week.
We enjoyed camping and I think we are going back 2 weekends from now for my sister's birthday weekend!
That was our weekend in a nutshell. How was yours?
PS - blogger is not emailing me all of my comments from my blog. Grr. I looked at a previous post to test my email settings {google+ is resetting so many people back to no-reply} and there were 11 comments on the post. I only had 5 of those emailed to me. Any clue why this is happening? So if you commented and I didn't reply, this is why.
Happy Monday!
Hall Around Texas,
Weekend Wrapup
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