Starting a new year can be a bit overwhelming if you really think about it. Making plans, goals, and budgets can be quite the daunting task. When I am overwhelmed I turn to scripture and it lifts so much weight off my shoulders. Today I wanted to share some scriptures to give you hope as you step into a brand New Year.
{Tuesday Talk // Scripture for the New Year}
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Starting a new year can be a bit overwhelming if you really think about it. Making plans, goals, and budgets can be quite the daunting task. When I am overwhelmed I turn to scripture and it lifts so much weight off my shoulders. Today I wanted to share some scriptures to give you hope as you step into a brand New Year.
{This past weekend}
Monday, January 30, 2017
Time for another weekend wrap-up! We had a really busy, but oh so good weekend. I love those kind. We got to spend a lot of quality time with people that are dear to us. I am exhausted and already looking forward to the next weekend.
{The Guys behind the Blog // January edition}
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Time for the Guys Behind the Blog - January edition!! I love getting a chance to feature my sweet man on this blog! I probably could have answered this month's questions for him. I know him all too well. Nate is a true man's man and loves anything to do with the great outdoors.
Guys Behind the Blog,
{Tuesday Talk // FREE Valentine Fonts}
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
You all know I have a mad love for free fonts! It's so fun to use them in graphics for the blog. My favorite types of fonts are cursive, handwritten and calligraphy fonts. Today I wanted to share some pretty and free fonts that could be used for Valentine's Day.
{Weekend Wrap-up}
Monday, January 23, 2017
It's been a long while since I have done a weekend wrap-up around here. Our weekends have been too busy for documenting lately. I did manage to take a few several iPhone pictures throughout the weekend and thought I'd give you guys a peek at our weekend. This was actually one that we didn't have planned out from Friday - Sunday night! Those are sometimes the best!
{36 on my 36th}
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
In honor of my 36th birthday {today} I thought I would share 36 random things about me. Several of my friends have done similar posts on their birthdays and I loved learning some new facts about them! I will tell you though that this was super hard for me. And by hard I mean it took me several days to think of 36 things and I even had to ask Nate to help with a few! #lamesauce
{Tuesday Talk // Selah}
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Pause and praise.
Be still and know.
Wait, rest, worship.
Friday afternoon I was reading and came across the word Selah. I've seen it many times before and was well aware of the Christian band named Selah. Yet, I wasn't sure of the meaning of the actual word. So I began to research a bit on the word and found that in essence it means to just slow down and rest in Jesus.
{10 Target Challenge}
Monday, January 16, 2017
Time for one of my favorite link-ups, $10 Target Challenge. Target is for sure my happy place and I love any excuse to go shopping there. Sometimes, okay a lot of the time, I don't even make it past the Dollar Spot. Especially when shopping for this challenge. And I love the Target Spot at the beginning of a new year. They put out so many great organizing and planning things. If you know me you know that is my favorite! So, what did I get and did I stay under budget?
{Little Letters // Volume One}
Friday, January 13, 2017
I have been so excited about the Little Letters link-up ever since I read about it on Kristin at Taz and Belly's blog! I used to participate in a similar link-up called Friday Letters when I first started blogging and really enjoyed it. Here are my letters for January.
{January 2017 Goals}
Thursday, January 12, 2017
If I am being honest, I completely failed at monthly goals in 2016. Not because I couldn't crush the goals, I just didn't. The only excuse I have is life happened. But, it's a new year so I am going to give it another go. I mean, I love a good to-do list and this is basically a to-do list that I have a month to accomplish. Should be easy enough. We'll see. Today I am sharing some goals I have for January 2017.
{The Kids Behind the Blog // January edition}
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Time for the January Edition of The Kids Behind the Blog. I loved reading everyone's December posts! Thank you to everyone that linked up. The questions were so fun and the kids answers were awesome. I laughed so hard on so many of them. Kids are just precious!! For January we focused on more winter type questions. Can't wait to read what your kids have to say this month! Here are Mason's answers...
The Kids Behind the Blog
{Tuesday Talk // Being bold in 2017}
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Last year I decided to join Ali Edwards {and the rest of Blogland!} for One Little Word. I chose the word Hope for 2016. Hope was something the Lord kept laying on my heart every time I began to pray about our situation. "Have hope my child and trust in my timing" was something I heard him say to me time and time again. And so hope became my word I wanted to focus on for the year as we struggled through the woes of infertility {again}. I also shared some scripture that gave me hope throughout the year. It was such a great word to focus on because I can't tell you the number of times I wanted to get angry about our situation instead of having hope and trusting in the Lord's timing. Because of that hope I was able to experience joy instead of constant heartache. Don't get me wrong, some days were harder than others, but the Lord carried us through those. And he gave me such grace.
One Little Word,
Tuesday Talk
{2016 Christmas Photo Challenge}
Monday, January 9, 2017
{2016 Christmas Recap}
Friday, January 6, 2017
I know I am so behind on posting this, but better late than never right? We've had such a good {but busy} last few weeks and I am still playing catch-up. Nathan's company closes down for 2 weeks every Christmas so we had lots of family time. I love it something fierce. I didn't even attempt to try to keep up with blogging during that time. It's overwhelming, but I am glad I devoted that time to my sweet family. Those are moments we'll never get back.
Anyhow, back to Christmas. I'm going to be real honest for a moment. It flew by too fast and I feel like I missed out on just enjoying that Christmas feeling. We literally had something going on every night from November 29th on. We watched the whole 2nd season of Fuller House on Christmas Eve Eve and it felt like the first time I was really able to just sit and enjoy the glow of the Christmas tree. I think this year flew by faster than normal because we added a couple more elements to our already busy season. We are more involved in our church this year and we also had Cub Scout events throughout the month. But, despite it zooming by too quickly we really did have an amazing Christmas season.
CHRISTmas Time,
Cub Scouts,
{Winter Bucketlist Update // Christmas on the Square, Decking the Halls, Candlelight Service }
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Time for our final Winter Bucketlist Update! We managed to cross every last item off of our list this season! Well, I am still in the middle of the Christmas Photo Challenge with Stephanie so that's not in this post. I'll blog about it once I finish it. We've had so much fun Christmas-ing this year. I am sad that the season is over. But, I am sure I will be blogging about Christmas for at least the next couple of weeks. We packed so much into this season! Here is a look at some of the things we checked off our 2016 Winter Bucketlist
CHRISTmas Time,
Cowboy Church,
{What We're Reading Wednesday // vol. 1}
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
I am joining some sweet blog friends in a new monthly link-up in which we share what we're reading. I am always curious about what my friends are reading and always looking for suggestions. I hope you'll join us! There's a graphic below which lays out all of the link-up dates.
What We're Reading
{Hall Around Texas // 2016 in pictures}
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
For a while I posted a monthly collage of pictures on Instagram. The collage featured things we had done that month. Somewhere along the way I stopped posting them on Instagram, but I didn't stop making the collages. I wanted to share them here. This is a look at our pictures!
Hall Around Texas,
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