Nathan didn't work overtime on Friday because he had a dentist appointment. Which means that he was able to take Mason to school! It's always nice for me to have a little break from the routine every now and then. I was able to run to the store and get a few things we needed for the weekend all before the work day begun! Nate went to his dentist appointment and then we had lunch together. He picked Mason up from school after nap & snack time and they came home to hang out. They buried some treasure together and Mason drew a treasure map so that he could find it later. He wanted to leave it buried for 20 days. That evening we worked around the house and in the yard. We walked to Nate's parents and hung out with them a bit. We also met a neighbor of ours that we haven't yet met in the almost 8 years we have lived here! He was walking his dog and stopped by and we chatted for a while. Then we ran to town and had supper at El Fenix and grabbed some movies from the Red Box.

Saturday morning started with a T-Ball game at 12:15. The boys played so great and we tied 15-15. It was exciting and adorable. There were so many people there it was crazy. After the game we grabbed a quick lunch and back to the house to work on the yard some more. Nate mowed and Mason and I fiddled around outside. Mason played with the neighbor kids all day. Early evening we ran to our favorite snowcone place!! I don't know what we did before we discovered Ozzys. They are amazing!!! We ended the night with another family movie night.

Sunday we woke up fairly early and went outside and started working in the flower beds. We pulled weeds for almost 2 hours while Mason pretended to be a policeman. Later we ran to home depot to get more mulch to fill in our gaps. Mason played with his friends all day again. That evening we visited my family to hear about their 7 day cruise they had just returned from.

It was such a perfect weekend!! How was yours? Do anything fun?