Happy Friday friends!!!! Linking up for Five on Friday.
{O N E}
So happy it's Friday!!! Hubbs and I are having a date night tonight! We are meeting a friend of his and his fiance for dinner and then going to a comedy club. Though I am not a big fan of comedy clubs, I am looking forward to a night out with the hubster! Depending on what time we get back Mason may be spending the night with his Nana & Papa. I can count on one hand the # of times he has spent the night somewhere other than with us! I know he's in good hands...and hello, he's at their house right behind ours...but I still miss him!!
{T W O}
Nate and Mason are home today! Nathan didn't have to work overtime and so Mason got to stay home from school. I love getting to spend the day with them {even though I am working} and getting to kiss their face any time I want! PS - Mason just told me he would like for me to start calling him Nathan now, like his Daddy. Also, the boys are outside and I am watching Mason out my window...he keeps driving his jeep through a huge puddle in the driveway. Every once in a while he will look around, and get out and walk through the water. He thinks he is sneaky!
{T H R E E}
I have a 3 day weekend! I am off on Monday for opening day! I can't wait to see my Rangers! It's been too long. Every year I say I don't know how we make it through off-season! And I really don't. See my post from opening day last year, here.
I have a 3 day weekend! I am off on Monday for opening day! I can't wait to see my Rangers! It's been too long. Every year I say I don't know how we make it through off-season! And I really don't. See my post from opening day last year, here.
{F O U R}
We picked up our Blast Ball jerseys this week and I was so diappointed! Our hats and shirts do not match. I am pretty sure the league ordered them at two different times from two different places. We have the old Houston Astros logo and colors on the hat and the new colors on the jersey. FYI - they're different colors. The hats are black with dark red writing and the shirts are navy blue with orange writing. I know it's just Blast Ball, but it bothers me. Grrr.
NO! Just no!
{F I V E}
I think we are done with gymnastics. I'm so sad! But Mason isn't having fun with it anymore. He says it's not his favorite. He gets out there and does it and we can tell he's just following through the motions, but not enjoying it. And we don't want to make him do anything he doesn't love. We finished the 2nd month we paid for, but I have not paid for another month. But, we still have swim lessons and Blast Ball!
What's on your Friday Five, friends?