I know this vlog is supposed to be me...but I had to share Mason's Harlem Shake! It's too cute not too. Besides, he probably does it better than me!
{Happy Birthday to my Best Friend}
She's amazing, genuine, beautiful, caring, thoughtful, hilarious, and one of the best people you will ever meet. I can promise you that. Every time I leave her house I am inspired. Inspired to be a better wife, a better cook, a better Mommy and just downright a better person. She's amazing! And I am so thankful that my hubby's best friend found her! And so thankful to call her my best friend.
Today is her birthday.
Happy Birthday Krista!!
I love you!
{Texas Tuesday - Hey Y'all}
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Hey y'all!! Happy Texas Tuesday!!

is Texas Tuesday? A chance for you to show off the awesomeness that is
TEXAS!! You can blog about anything; restaurants, vacation spots,
venues, concerts, your hometown, shops, fashion, sports, etc. The linkup
is not limited to Texans, we just ask that the post is about Texas.
We don't make following any of the hosts a requirement, but we do ask that you include our button and at least post about a Texas related topic. Any links that are not related to the link up will be deleted. (button code is in grab box below the image above)
We've invited Texas bloggers to co host with us weekly. So far we have gotten a great response and have co hosts scheduled through the end of March. If you're interested in being a co host for our link up please email Amanda at princessofthepanhandle(at)gmail(dot)com and she will get you on the calendar.
This weeks co-host is Heather from Terrell Family Fun. Make sure you stop by and visit her blog.
For Texas Tuesday this week I wanted to share a video of Mason singing one of our favorite Texas Country songs..."Hey Y'all" by none other than the Aaron Watson...
Please excuse my shaky video recording!
And the song he's singing...
We don't make following any of the hosts a requirement, but we do ask that you include our button and at least post about a Texas related topic. Any links that are not related to the link up will be deleted. (button code is in grab box below the image above)
We've invited Texas bloggers to co host with us weekly. So far we have gotten a great response and have co hosts scheduled through the end of March. If you're interested in being a co host for our link up please email Amanda at princessofthepanhandle(at)gmail(dot)com and she will get you on the calendar.
This weeks co-host is Heather from Terrell Family Fun. Make sure you stop by and visit her blog.
For Texas Tuesday this week I wanted to share a video of Mason singing one of our favorite Texas Country songs..."Hey Y'all" by none other than the Aaron Watson...
And the song he's singing...
{A sick but not-so-sick boy}
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Happy Thursday!! Getting closer to Friday!!!!!
Mason has been battling some allergies/cold/something since Sunday. It started Sunday morning when he woke up with crusty/matted eyes and a mucusy cough. He acted just fine, though. No fever and the cough subdued once we got past the morning. So, we sent him to school on Monday. He did fine. Was fine all evening. Around 11:30pm I woke up from a dead sleep to check on him. He was burning up. I checked his temp and it was 102.4. We got him some Motrin, but he didn't want to wake up to take it. It took an hour for us to finally get him awake enough to take the meds. I kept him home on Tuesday and he was perfectly fine. No cough, no fever or anything. Fast-forward to that night...I slept with him, well, didn't really sleep a wink, and checked him throughout the night. His body was burning up...hands, feet, back, stomach...but not his face or forehead. I let him sleep through it. And we decided it'd be best if he stayed home again.
Nate stayed with him this time. Again...perfect! Didn't act sick one bit. He took a late afternoon nap and was just waking up when I got home at 4:40 and was burning up! We took his temp and it was 103.5. I called his dr but they couldn't get him in until the following day, We didn't want to wait that long so we decided to go to My Clinic a couple towns over. We had a great experience with them. The facility was clean, staff was nice and quick and Mason loved the Doctor. They swabbed him for the flu and strep throat. Both came back negative. Thank God! The doctor said that he definitely had an allergy, thus the crusty eyes and runny nose and sneezing. And he had an upper respiratory infection. He prescribed him a cough med that has benadryl in it so that it covers the cough and the allergies and an antibiotic for the infection.
I am home with him today and he's been perfect! He's had a couple doses of antibiotics and one round of the cough med. I can already see a difference in him...
He's such a hoot! We were watching videos on the "Harlem Shake" and sure enough the boy wanted to try! I took video and will upload it soon! It's hilarious!!
He's giving me a taste of what it'd be like to be a stay-at-home mom. Shew...let's just say I'd need to stock up on some Moscato for when Daddy gets home to take over! ha. No, it's great. I love to hang out with him. Keeps me going, that's for sure.
So far today I've:
...cleaned up medicine that he spit on the floor because he didn't like it
...hid the next round of antibiotics in a cup of milk
...played numerous rounds of cars/cops vs bad guys, etc.
...changed the dvr from bubble guppies, to Caillou, to Jake and the Pirates and back to Bubble Guppies
...danced in the living room to the "Truck song" on bubble guppies
...made two grilled cheeses
...picked up said grilled cheese bits off the floor
...made cup after cup of different liquids
...given him a 1 hour bath
...spent 15 minutes cleaning the "bath finger paints" off the walls, floor, faucet, him
...did our taxes with one hand while the other hand played cars with the boy
...washed dishes
...did a load of laundry
...worked online {for my job}
wait for it...
Had to tell Mason to put his "beep beep" back inside his diaper. He came over to me and said, "Mama, my beep beep is hanging out." I tell him to put it up and he looks down and says, "Sorry beep beep, time to go back in the diaper." Seriously!!!!!!!!! #boymomprobs
So far today I've:
...cleaned up medicine that he spit on the floor because he didn't like it
...hid the next round of antibiotics in a cup of milk
...played numerous rounds of cars/cops vs bad guys, etc.
...changed the dvr from bubble guppies, to Caillou, to Jake and the Pirates and back to Bubble Guppies
...danced in the living room to the "Truck song" on bubble guppies
...made two grilled cheeses
...picked up said grilled cheese bits off the floor
...made cup after cup of different liquids
...given him a 1 hour bath
...spent 15 minutes cleaning the "bath finger paints" off the walls, floor, faucet, him
...did our taxes with one hand while the other hand played cars with the boy
...washed dishes
...did a load of laundry
...worked online {for my job}
wait for it...
Had to tell Mason to put his "beep beep" back inside his diaper. He came over to me and said, "Mama, my beep beep is hanging out." I tell him to put it up and he looks down and says, "Sorry beep beep, time to go back in the diaper." Seriously!!!!!!!!! #boymomprobs
Oh, one things for darn sure...I'd never have a clean house. I've been running circles around him cleaning mess after mess, toy after toy! I'm exhausted...
{I'm the kinda of girl...}
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Linking up with Holly @ Running in Stilettos
...absolutely adores being a Mommy and a wife
...is a worry wart...like bad
...addicted to diet dr pepper
...loves the outdoors; hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, shooting {especially my pink and black pistol}, etc.
...could sit at a 9 inning (or more) Ranger game every single night
...loves to dance
...prefers a jacked up Jeep or lifted truck over a fancy sportscar
...used to work for 106.9 the Ranch and loved it {pre-Mason}
...obsessive picture taker
...is most comfortable in my Corral boots
...is a worry wart...like bad
...addicted to diet dr pepper
...loves the outdoors; hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, shooting {especially my pink and black pistol}, etc.
...could sit at a 9 inning (or more) Ranger game every single night
...loves to dance
...prefers a jacked up Jeep or lifted truck over a fancy sportscar
![]() |
First vehicle I purchased on my own - 1989 Jeep CJ 7 |
...used to work for 106.9 the Ranch and loved it {pre-Mason}
...obsessive picture taker
...is most comfortable in my Corral boots
...enjoys being around people, but okay with just being at home too.
...loves the beach, but loves the mountains a little more
...has been known to throw a couple White Trash Bashes at her casa {again, pre-Mason}
...hates suprises
...used to be able to get ready in 5 minutes flat, but now thanks to Pinterest, Birchbox, Ipsy and blogging it takes me 45min or more.
...has loved the same amazing man for 17 years {and counting}
...only listens to Texas Country {there's definitely a difference}
...loves a good margarita on a patio with live music
...has had many of the same friends since 2nd grade
...would rather spend time with the hubbs and Mason more than anything in the world
...loves cooking, but loathes doing the dishes
...takes a cagillion pictures of Gruene Hall just because our last name is Hall
...loves deeply
...forgives easily
...prays incessantly
...dreams wildly
...cares passionately
What kinda girl are you?
...loves the beach, but loves the mountains a little more
...has been known to throw a couple White Trash Bashes at her casa {again, pre-Mason}
...hates suprises
...used to be able to get ready in 5 minutes flat, but now thanks to Pinterest, Birchbox, Ipsy and blogging it takes me 45min or more.
...has loved the same amazing man for 17 years {and counting}
...only listens to Texas Country {there's definitely a difference}
...loves a good margarita on a patio with live music
...has had many of the same friends since 2nd grade
![]() |
Some of my friends from 2nd grade camping a few years ago |
...would rather spend time with the hubbs and Mason more than anything in the world
...loves cooking, but loathes doing the dishes
...takes a cagillion pictures of Gruene Hall just because our last name is Hall
...loves deeply
...forgives easily
...prays incessantly
...dreams wildly
...cares passionately
What kinda girl are you?
{Another letter to my Masonbug}
Monday, February 18, 2013
{written on 1/15/13}
Hi sweet boy!
I just had to write you. Life has just been so great lately and there's a few things I want to share with you about right now. We have been spending so much time at home; playing, hanging out, and watching movies. We've all seemed to enjoy that lately. It's so nice for a family {us} that's always on the go to just slow down and enjoy. And that we have done. One of the main reasons we have been spending so much time at home is because it's flu season and it has hit the area hard! We are trying our best to keep you well. Nonetheless, the time at home has just been wonderful. We are having so much fun, making so many memories and taking so many pictures to document these sweet memories.
Mason, you have been so incredibly sweet lately. Seriously! You are so flowing with your pleases, thank yous and I love You's. Your Daddy and I are just so amazed by you. You're appreciative of everything we do for you. You have such a darling little soul. You are really enjoying being a "big boy" lately. We are so proud of you for doing so! After a rough week at school {last week} you have been such a big boy this week. Both Monday and Today you have told me that I can leave school that you are being a big boy. You give me hugs and kisses bye with no tears! Oh sweet love, I am so so so proud of you! This makes such great mornings for the both of us.
This morning on the way to school we had a wintry mix. The back roads we have to take to your school {2 lanes, windy and hilly} were really bad and scary. You were so good for me. You knew that Mommy had to really pay attention to the road and be careful. I asked you if you needed donut holes {hoping you would say no because it's an extra 5 minutes of driving on icy roads} or if you could eat breakfast at school and you say, "No Mommy, I am fine. I don't need donut holes." I started balling! Just shows how kind you are and how much you are growing up right before my very eyes!! We got to school and you ate your cereal and played with your friends. You were so eager to go play with them that you ran off and then turned around remembering you didn't hug/kiss me bye! Oh I love you.
Another thing I want to tell you is how blessed you are to have the Daddy that you do. He's the absolute best. While you may not realize right now, you are so blessed. He takes the time to get on the floor with you and play countless hours of hot wheels, all the while letting you boss him around. He plays zombies with you, sits in the bathroom for an hour just so you can play in the bathtub. Has perfected grilled cheese making on your behalf. Just this week he has taught you how to ride a bull {by bouncing on his knees}. He cherishes the time you two have together and will never pass up a minute to play with you. I love to watch you two play. Best buds. Makes a mama's heart so happy.
Before you were even born your Daddy would tell me about all the things he couldn't wait to teach you and do with you. And now, I get to watch that firsthand. No place I'd rather be.
I love you my little love,
Your Mama.
Hi sweet boy!
I just had to write you. Life has just been so great lately and there's a few things I want to share with you about right now. We have been spending so much time at home; playing, hanging out, and watching movies. We've all seemed to enjoy that lately. It's so nice for a family {us} that's always on the go to just slow down and enjoy. And that we have done. One of the main reasons we have been spending so much time at home is because it's flu season and it has hit the area hard! We are trying our best to keep you well. Nonetheless, the time at home has just been wonderful. We are having so much fun, making so many memories and taking so many pictures to document these sweet memories.
Mason, you have been so incredibly sweet lately. Seriously! You are so flowing with your pleases, thank yous and I love You's. Your Daddy and I are just so amazed by you. You're appreciative of everything we do for you. You have such a darling little soul. You are really enjoying being a "big boy" lately. We are so proud of you for doing so! After a rough week at school {last week} you have been such a big boy this week. Both Monday and Today you have told me that I can leave school that you are being a big boy. You give me hugs and kisses bye with no tears! Oh sweet love, I am so so so proud of you! This makes such great mornings for the both of us.
This morning on the way to school we had a wintry mix. The back roads we have to take to your school {2 lanes, windy and hilly} were really bad and scary. You were so good for me. You knew that Mommy had to really pay attention to the road and be careful. I asked you if you needed donut holes {hoping you would say no because it's an extra 5 minutes of driving on icy roads} or if you could eat breakfast at school and you say, "No Mommy, I am fine. I don't need donut holes." I started balling! Just shows how kind you are and how much you are growing up right before my very eyes!! We got to school and you ate your cereal and played with your friends. You were so eager to go play with them that you ran off and then turned around remembering you didn't hug/kiss me bye! Oh I love you.
Another thing I want to tell you is how blessed you are to have the Daddy that you do. He's the absolute best. While you may not realize right now, you are so blessed. He takes the time to get on the floor with you and play countless hours of hot wheels, all the while letting you boss him around. He plays zombies with you, sits in the bathroom for an hour just so you can play in the bathtub. Has perfected grilled cheese making on your behalf. Just this week he has taught you how to ride a bull {by bouncing on his knees}. He cherishes the time you two have together and will never pass up a minute to play with you. I love to watch you two play. Best buds. Makes a mama's heart so happy.
Before you were even born your Daddy would tell me about all the things he couldn't wait to teach you and do with you. And now, I get to watch that firsthand. No place I'd rather be.
I love you my little love,
Your Mama.
Mama Stuff,
{Valentines Day - Spouse Edition - A Linkup}
Thursday, February 14, 2013
- How long have you been married? 6 years 6 months
- Where was your first date? Football game of a friends {different school}
- Where was your first kiss? In front of Nate's house, in my car
- Who first said, "I love you"? I think I did
- What were your wedding colors? Light pink, dark pink and Ivory
- What is her most commonly used phrase? Seriously?
- Who is her celebrity crush? Boy crush - George Straight & Aaron Watson, Girl crush - Miranda Lambert & Zoe Deschanel
- If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get? Me - Diet DP, Nate - Unsweet Tea
- What is the best meal she has ever cooked you? Chicken Spaghetti
- What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you? Ha, many I'm sure.
- What is the most-played song on her iPod? Redeemed by Big Daddy Weave when I'm alone, Hey Y'all by Aaron Watson when Nate and Mason are in the car.
- What would she say is your most annoying habit? Snores...loud!
- What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed? Pray, and Kiss Mason on the forehead
- If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be? Probably my leopard leggings.
- What would you say is your favorite thing about her? My kindness
- What's her go-to drink at Starbucks? Caramel Macchiato, Caramel Frap or Vanilla Bean Frap
- What's her blog's name?! Next to Heaven; a blog by Mason's Mama
- How long have you been married? 6 years
- Where was your first date? High school football game
- Where was your first kiss? In front of my house (you know you can’t end a date without a kiss)
- Who first said, "I love you"? She did I’m sure. I never really said it until I met her.
- What were your wedding colors? Several different
- What is her most commonly used phrase? Not sure
- Who is her celebrity crush? George Straight, Aaron Watson, Paul Walker, Zoe Deschanel.
- If she was ordering drinks for both of you what would you each get? She-Diet coke or Diet Dr. Pepper Me-coke or unsweet tea
- What is the best meal she has ever cooked you? Chicken Spaghetti
- What is the worst meal she has ever cooked you? Some chicken fry things. Not her fault, just not good.
- What is the most-played song on her iPod? Aaron Watson’s “Truck song” and “Cowboy song” Thanks to Mason
- What would she say is your most annoying habit? No telling, but I am an ass.
- What is the last thing she does before she goes to bed? Prays
- If you could throw out one item of her clothing what would it be? Shirt ; )
- What would you say is your favorite thing about her? Down to earth and Good sense of humor
- What's her go-to drink at Starbucks? Caramel Frapachino
- What's her blog's name?! Masons Momma
{Wordless Wednesday}
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
31 months,
wordless wednesday
{Texas Tuesday // Branded Burger}
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Hey y'all!! Happy Texas Tuesday!!

is Texas Tuesday? A chance for you to show off the awesomeness that is
TEXAS!! You can blog about anything; restaurants, vacation spots,
venues, concerts, your hometown, shops, fashion, sports, etc. The linkup
is not limited to Texans, we just ask that the post is about Texas.
We don't make following any of the hosts a requirement, but we do ask that you include our button and at least post about a Texas related topic. Any links that are not related to the link up will be deleted. (button code is in grab box below the image above)
We've invited Texas bloggers to co host with us weekly. So far we have gotten a great response and have co hosts scheduled through the end of March. If you're interested in being a co host for our link up please email me Amanda at princessofthepanhandle(at)gmail(dot)com and I will get you on the calendar.
This past weekend Hubs, Mason and I ate at a little burger joint about 15 miles from our house called Branded Burger in Midlothian, TX. Hubby had eaten there when they first opened and had been telling me about it. I was anxious to try it out.
And? It was fabulous!!!
I got the bbq bacon cheese burger with fries, Mason had mini corn dogs with fries and hubby had a double cheeseburger with fries. It was all delicious. And they actually do brand their burgers.
Their burgers are cooked to order, so it does take some time to get your food. Especially if you go right after church on a Sunday like we did! It was crowded and we waited probably 30 minutes for our food. But, it was worth the wait.
Even Mason thought so...
It's located in the little downtown district of Midlothian. It's so rustic and awesome in the inside. I wish I could have gotten pictures, but again it was so crowded. We actually sat outside on the patio. I'm convinced that patios were created for families with toddlers!!
I think I've found my new favorite burger joint!!
We don't make following any of the hosts a requirement, but we do ask that you include our button and at least post about a Texas related topic. Any links that are not related to the link up will be deleted. (button code is in grab box below the image above)
We've invited Texas bloggers to co host with us weekly. So far we have gotten a great response and have co hosts scheduled through the end of March. If you're interested in being a co host for our link up please email me Amanda at princessofthepanhandle(at)gmail(dot)com and I will get you on the calendar.
This past weekend Hubs, Mason and I ate at a little burger joint about 15 miles from our house called Branded Burger in Midlothian, TX. Hubby had eaten there when they first opened and had been telling me about it. I was anxious to try it out.
And? It was fabulous!!!
I got the bbq bacon cheese burger with fries, Mason had mini corn dogs with fries and hubby had a double cheeseburger with fries. It was all delicious. And they actually do brand their burgers.
Their burgers are cooked to order, so it does take some time to get your food. Especially if you go right after church on a Sunday like we did! It was crowded and we waited probably 30 minutes for our food. But, it was worth the wait.
Even Mason thought so...
It's located in the little downtown district of Midlothian. It's so rustic and awesome in the inside. I wish I could have gotten pictures, but again it was so crowded. We actually sat outside on the patio. I'm convinced that patios were created for families with toddlers!!
I think I've found my new favorite burger joint!!
{Photo a Day Challenge - Week 3}
Monday, February 11, 2013
This challenge is a lot tougher than I expected. Weekends leave a lot more opportunity for photo opps, but weekdays are hard. Weekdays are too routine. With that being said, I made it through January...but don't think I will continue after that!
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