This was before our shelter in place and quarantine. Just late in posting it!
One of my favorite things to do in the spring & summer is cruise the backroads around our town. It's this time of year that the wildflowers start popping up and the sunsets are indescribable. The day after our spring break trip we decided to go eat at our favorite little old-time soda shop on the square and then drive to chase the sunset!
{Our quarantined life // Week 2}
Monday, March 30, 2020
Another week of recording our quarantined life for memories' sake! I know that we are all going through this, but this blog is our family scrapbook and I want to record how and what we are doing through this bizarre time. I can't wait until this is all in the past and we are looking back on it. Praying for everyone's health! Please stay safe and stay at home!!
Corona Virus,
fourth grade,
Quarantine 2020,
spring 2020
{Our quarantined life // Week 1}
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
It's a really strange time that we are living in right now due to COVID-19 and I wanted to try to document our days the best I could. I honestly cannot wait to get past all of this and I have faith that we will. While I know that we still serve a very sovereign God, I can't help but worry about this virus and the destruction it's causing in so many homes. My heart breaks every time I scroll Facebook and see how much more the virus has spread and making people ill, or people posting about no work for three or so weeks with no pay, or Mama's saying they can't find the necessities for their babies because of people stockpiling. I just can't imagine and my heart hurts for them. I pray that everyone can do their job to flatten this curve so that lives can go back to normal.
Corona Virus,
fourth grade,
Quarantine 2020,
spring 2020
{God painted the sky}
Monday, March 23, 2020
A couple weeks ago we were on our way to get Mason some froyo when God painted the most perfect sky! I asked Nate to pull over so that I could take some photos! He happily obliged! He's used to my shenanigans and sometimes even encourages it! Goodness, I love that man.
{Spring Break 2020 // Camping in the Texas Hill Country}
Friday, March 20, 2020
Our scheduled spring break for 2020 was March 9th through the 13th. Nate's parents were headed to the Texas Hill Country to camp for a few days and invited us to come along. We love the hill country and will take any opportunity to go there! We weren't able to stay the whole week but were able to go Friday through Tuesday. It was a great amount of time to escape and just enjoy family and a beautiful area.
spring 2020,
Spring break,
{Around town // Texas Independence Day}
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Back on Texas Independence Day I remembered a mural in a neighboring town and wanted to go get a picture in front of it. It was perfect for the occasion!!
{Dirty Acres Grille Inserts}
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Some really great friends of ours run an awesome business called Dirty Acres in which they make custom grille inserts! They recently reached out to Nate and I and asked if we'd like to be ambassadors for them! We couldn't say yes quick enough! And, they wanted to sponsor both Jeeps. How awesome is that??
{Unlimited Off-Road Show 2020 // Midlothian, TX}
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Back on February 29th, we attended one of our favorite yearly events; the UOR show. For the past several years this event has taken place at the Texas Motor Speedway, but this year it was practically in our backyard! They moved it to an off-road park in Midlothian, TX...just twenty minutes from us! We were so excited to have this event so close.
{Harlem Globetrotters Game // February 22, 2020}
Monday, March 16, 2020
For Nate's dad's birthday, his mom got the guys' tickets to see the Harlem Globetrotters. Nate's dad hadn't been since he was a young boy, and the other guys had never been! While I was sad to spend a Saturday without them, I was super excited for them to go to the game!!
{GT field trip to Austin TX // February 18th 2020}
Friday, March 13, 2020
I'm still blogging February and trying to catch up here. Back on February 18th, Mason's gifted & talented class got to have a field trip to Austin, TX. Nathan and I were so fortunate to be able to take the day off of work and join him! I couldn't imagine him traveling to GT without us. I've never denied being a helicopter mom. Plus, it sounded like a really fun time.
fourth grade,
{Sunday Funday with friends}
Thursday, March 12, 2020
It's so nice to have friends that share all of the same interests as you! Those friends that you can just do life with! The Chiles family is also a 2-Jeep family and we love hanging out with them. One Sunday after church we met them in town and then hung out for the rest of the day. Surprisingly, we were all without kids as they were visiting with Grandparents.
{A very special birthday party // meeting Aaron Watson}
Monday, March 9, 2020
A few weekends ago we had the honor to attend a very special birthday party. It was for two precious twin girls; one of them battling a terminal rare form of brain cancer. One of our friends attends church with this sweet family and asked if some Jeepers would be willing to ride convoy style to the church in honor of this precious little girl. She loves Jeeps and our friend wanted to do something special for her.
{Valentine's Day 2020}
Friday, March 6, 2020
We had a pretty low-key Valentine's Day this year. I worked, Mason went to school, and Nate worked around the house during the day. We had to take the Jeep to Best Buy that morning to get a sound system put in (Happy Valentine's Day to me!!) so it was a waiting game all evening, waiting for it to be done.
[Hidden Falls Off-Road Park // 2/8/2020}
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Back on February 8th, we went to Hidden Falls Off-Road Park in Marble Falls, TX for some wheeling! It was actually a date night/weekend because Mason opted to stay back with his Nana and Papa! We drove down on Friday night, checked into our hotel, went to dinner, and then back to the hotel to rest up for a full day of wheeling! We started the day off by joining in with a group called Jeep It. We had somewhere close to twenty Jeeps in the group!
Hill Country,
{Currently // March 2020}
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Happy Wednesday! I haven't had much time to blog lately but wanted to join in with Anne in Residence for the Currently series. I always enjoy this one so much. Today we are sharing what we are currently fixing, hearing, borrowing, feeling, recommending.
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