{First day of 2nd Grade}

Despite my best efforts to make summer last forever, that came to an end yesterday. Mason started his first day of his 2nd grade year. Nathan took off the entire day so that he could go with me to take Mason as well as pick him up. And so that I wouldn't be alone the first day Mason goes back! I love that man.
I prepped all day the day before to make sure everything was ready for the morning. Our mornings run so much more efficiently when I lay everything out the day before.

I made his Chalkboard sign -

I went through one of our favorite devotionals and marked devotions I thought would be good for the first day of school so that we could read them that night before bed -

I got his new 2nd grade book ready -

I made each of his teachers a chalkboard decoration out of the first letter of their last name. I added an orange embellishment because that is their school colors. On meet the teacher night we took extra supplies for kids in need and gift cards for the teachers to use on whatever they may need for their classrooms, but for the first day I wanted to do something a little personal for them. I have made each of Mason's teachers a chalkboard like this since Pre-K. it's one of my favorite things to do!

And things I don't have pictures of; filling out those first day parent forms, prepping his backpack (adding the Minecraft hangers, putting documents in, etc), prepped his lunch, made his lunchbox note, de-wrinkled his uniform (not going to say I ironed it because let's be real - I tossed it in the dryer), put no-tie laces in his new shoes, wrote in cards for his teachers to let them know how overjoyed we are to be in their class, etc.

I also took his "First day in the white t-shirt pictures" the night before. Which is just a picture of Mason in a men's size white t-shirt at the beginning of each school year. I knew that it was in my best interest to do it the night before. I would get better smiles this way! Plus, the whole point of the picture is just to see how he grows into the t-shirt so I knew 18 hours wouldn't make that much of a difference. Well, maybe. I have been known to think he grows overnight!! I will say that I waited just a little too late to take these pictures and the light was less than ideal. But, at least I got them. Pictures with Mason these days are hard to come by.

And, I don't know about you, but I love a good comparison photo -

And then it was time for bed...but not before lots of snuggles -

Mason woke up fairly easy on the first day! He jumped right out of bed when Nate told him he saw something on the front porch. Nana had left him a bag of his favorite things, a sweet card with a 2 dollar bill in it (for 2nd grade) and a balloon. She's been making the first day of school special since Pre-K!!

We also saw the most glorious sunrise while we were on the porch. I told Mason that God knew it was his first day of school and made the sky extra special for him. He smiled so big!

And he was easy to get ready as well. He even mentioned a couple of times that he was excited. And that's not all...he even cooperated for pictures! It was like a dream. I love my little 2nd grader!!

And another comparison -

When we got to school it was a mad-house, as expected. We have so many first graders this year, which are all new to our school. Mason's school is for grades 1st through 3rd. Nathan and I went in with him to help get all the things in and get him settled. And because my mama heart couldn't imagine just dropping him off. They made us go to the gym for a few minutes before releasing us to the classrooms. We were only in there for about 5 minutes before they let us head to the classes. We started off by saying Good Morning to Mason's first grade teacher who we love so very much! As we were walking to her class Mason said, "Mom, everyone is going to think I am a first grader!" ha! So grown!! 

She told him that he was going to have an awesome day and that she loved him. I couldn't imagine starting our school day any other way! So thankful for this lady that loves my boy so well.

Then we were off to the BIG 2nd grade hall!

We stopped by his 2nd teacher's classroom first to drop off her gift. We weren't sure when or if he'd go to her class on the first day. 

Then we checked out Mason's new locker and went in his homeroom classroom. We visited with Mason's teacher and got him settled before we were on our way.

I held it together until our ride home. I went to post a couple of first day pictures on FB and completely lost it when looking at the pictures. I had to wait a few hours before I was ready to look at the pictures again. And the minutes creeped by! I was so antsy that I couldn't sit still and did all that I could to take my mind off the clock. I was ready to get my boy.

I prepared a little treat for after school. Just a little 'you did it' type of treat. I didn't want all of the excitement to be in the morning only and wanted him to know how excited we were for him. I whipped up the letter board and tied a balloon to some ring pops (his favorite!). I added the "oh yeah" to the letter board because he is always saying that. 

We were the first car in line to pick him up. We were SO ready! He said he had an amazing day and that both of his teachers were really sweet. He said that he didn't like his teachers angry voice. She had read them a story about monsters and had to use her scary voice. Mason said he never wanted to make her angry so that she wouldn't use that voice. haha! Later that evening he told me that 2nd grade goes by so fast that he must have only been at school about 3 hours. :) So glad it felt that short to him because it felt like 13 to me. But, I didn't tell him that. 

And because let's be honest...we were all a little more worried about me surviving the day! 

I, uhh, I mean we did it!!

And that's a wrap on the first day. 

Oh, but one other thing I have to share here. I have been praying for God to cover this day in peace for a while now. When we got home from dropping Mason off I opened my Timehop App to see this.

The tears started flowing again. Thank you, Lord! Thank you. 


  1. oh my goodness I love how you make everything so special for him, you are doing a great job mama! We start school on MOnday!

  2. This post gave me chills! You are the best mom and I love all the things you do to make school special for Mason and for his teachers. The sunrise is amazing!

  3. He looks so precious carrying that giant backpack on his bag. Seeing stuff like that just reminds you how tiny they still really are.

  4. Oh bless you and this makes my heart hurt so! Back to school time is so hard and wonderful and you prepare so well! Much applause!!

  5. So happy y'all survived friend. Those little chalkboards for the teachers are the sweetest first day present. I bet they LOVE having Mason in their classes.

  6. Awwww so sweet! I love first day pictures! And those chalkboard letters are adorable!

  7. So sweet. I love that he wants to be a "law man" - cop, swat, lawyer. That is awesome! :)

    Have a great weekend, girlie!

  8. What a special day. You go so far above and beyond and I love that you've been doing these traditions since preschool. This is making me feel very unprepared for Ez's first day in less than two weeks. Eeek!! I'm glad you survived the first day, so bittersweet.

  9. I am so glad his first day went so well. I know how scary those days are for little ones! Here is to a school year full of fun memories and big milestones.


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!