{2019 Autumn bucket list // Update one}

It should come as no surprise that we've already started crossing things off our 2019 Autumn bucket list!! Here's what we've done so far...

🌰 Decorate porch for fall - this was done in early September!! My porch is one of my favorite places at our home and I love to decorate it! It's so fun to change it up for the seasons. Plus, you have to grab those fall things at Hobby Lobby very early in the season or they are gone! This year's porch screams farmhouse to me and I love it so much!

🌰 Make a fall wreath - I knew that I wanted something farmhouse-ish, classy, simple and cute! And lots of pumpkins!! I have a ton of the pumpkins from the Target dollar spot, so I used those. They worked great and the wreath came out just as I had hoped. I'm not going to want to change this one out.

🌰 Get a pumpkin flavored coffee - move over PSL, there's a new sherriff in town named Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew and it's fabulous! I am obsessed.

🌰 Get new fall decor for tiered tray - once again, Target dollar spot to the resuce! I think about 99% of everything on my tiered tray is from Target. They have the cutest and most afforadable things.

🌰 Decorate the house for fall - done and done. There are pumpkin touches on almost every corner and my heart is so happy!

Do you have a fall bucketlist? How much have you accomplished?

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