If you have been around my blog for a minute then you know that crafting is my jam! I try to work on at least one project a weekend. I enjoy it and find it therapeutic too. And, what good is all those Pinterest pins if you never put them to use? Right? Last weekend was kind of a weird weekend with me being ill and all. The only craft I had done was making some onesies for my niece that is due in December {and I totally forgot to take pictures}. So Sunday evening I was itching to make something, but I didn't really have anything planned. One trip to my porch changed that! I saw my porch pumpkin I made several years ago and it was in dire need of a revamp...
I originally made this pumpkin years ago before I had a Cricut machine. I just used a sharpie marker and hand drew our name (#alltheimperfections).
So, I changed up the ribbon to go with our decor and made a vinyl cut for the words. I like the after so much better! And this literally took me all of 10 minutes and that included creating the design, cutting it and applying it.
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