Mason woke up to a gift from his Nana! She has always been so sweet to make the first day of school so special for him. I love her heart and how well she loves our boy!!
Then Mase ate breakfast, got ready and we were on our way. We arrived at the school with just a few minutes to spare. Upon arrival, we learned that they weren't letting parents into the classrooms so that broke my little Mama heart a little bit, but it's fine. Probably better that way for both Mason and I.
Guess what?? I didn't cry! Sure, I teared up a few times, but I didn't cry. I think I was too nervous to cry. After Mason went to class, we circled around to the pick-up and drop-off route so that I would know what to do that afternoon. Then Nate brought me home to work and he left to go into work. Even though I was counting down the minutes the day actually flew by really quickly! I couldn't wait to pick up my boy! I was the fourth car in line closest to the school. I was so anxious to see him and hear about his day. As tradition holds I got him a little "you survived the first day of school" gift. Just an iTunes gift card, candy, a card and balloon. He loved it!
When he came out and had a smile as big as Texas plastered on his precious face I lost it. Like completely lost it. His face said it all. That my prayers had been answered. God is so, so good y’all! He gets in the Jeep and says “Mom, today was amazing!! I think it’s going to be a great year!” and I start crying even harder!! Music to a mama’s ears!!! ♥️ We called Nate on Bluetooth and Mason told us all about his first day.
The highlights of his day were that his teachers are awesome, lunch was a blast and they got the best table in the cafeteria, recess was amazing because the playground is HUGE, he got the locker he wanted, and his library looks super cool. Fourth grade, we may be ready for you after all! When we got home I asked him if could record a little video of him talking about his first day because I want to document all the things. He obliged quite easily! He was excited to talk about his day.
And then we loved on each other for quite a while! That time apart is hard on both of us!!
When Mason was in Kindergarten I bought this men's size XL shirt to take a picture of Mason in on the first day of school each year. I love to see how he grows into the shirt with each passing year. We'll do this through 12th grade, and who knows, maybe even college!
Mason today:
And K through 4th grade:
I also fill out a chalkboard every year with Mason's favorites and that year's stats. I love to see how this changes over the years.
Over the years:

I want to be a Fireman & a Cop
Favorite color - green
I want to be a teacher of the year
Favorite color - red
I want to be a Policeman
I love to do karate, read, go camping
Favorite color - red
Favorite book - Magic Treehouse
I want to be a Cop, Swat, Lawyer & Masseuse
I love to go camping, read, play with my dogs, go to church
Favorite color - blue
Favorite book - The Secret Garden
I want to be a Policeman
I love to play Xbox, go camping, and read
Favorite color - Blue
Favorite book - Harry Potter
I want to be a Lockheed Martin Engineer
I love to camp, travel, eat & sleep
Favorite color - blue
Favorite book - Closed for the Season
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