Traditions. Oh, how I love traditions. They are my jam, for real. Something to look forward each year and such great memories to look back on! In our family, we have all kinds of traditions for each season. I think our Fall and Winter traditions are by far my favorite, though! Below are some of my favorite Fall-time traditions we do as a family...
Go camping - camping in the fall is my absolute favorite!! We usually go with Nate's family in their camper, but we also love camping in a rustic cabin somewhere. There's just something about camping in the fall. The cool brisk weather, the changing of the colors, the atmosphere, etc. The past several years we have gone to Mitchell resort for their Halloween Happenings {here and here}. It's such a blast!! We are going back this year and I can't wait.
Spend an afternoon at the Pumpkin Patch - by far one of my favorite traditions. For several years we went to the same little pumpkin patch a few towns over until we experienced the amazingness that is Mainstay Farms. It's the ultimate pumpkin patch! Think Latvian group swings, a Tonka dig site, a paved track with off-road huge sized pedal cars, duck races, a car painted in chalkboard paint that you can draw on, a fishing pond, hayrides, a huge jumping pillow, a three story treehouse, zip lining, a hay barn the kids can play on, superchute slide and of course pumpkins! Yep, it's awesome. Then, in 2017 another amazing pumpkin patch opened in a town nearby and completely stole our hearts. Mason and I spent hours upon hours at Shadow Creek and didn't want to leave. It was the most picturesque pumpkin patch in all of the land! October of 2018 was unusually rainy and rained out almost every weekend for pumpkin patches. We didn't get to visit any of our favorites. We are more than ready to go to them this year!
Making Fall crafts - this is something I like to do with Mason. I find crafts that are age-friendly for him and things that he would enjoy. I love being creative with my best boy! The Target dollar spot is so great for things like this. I like to stock up each year and have them on hand for afternoons after school and work. Mason and I enjoy spending time together outside creating Halloween masterpieces!
Picking out Halloween costumes together - picking out costumes has gotten so much more fun since we started going to Halloween Happenings at Mitchell resort. There is a big costume contest so we are always trying to think of fun and unique things. I think Nathan wins the most epic of all time with his cousin Eddie costume!! We are already brainstorming group costumes for this year.
Taking Mason trick-or-treating - this is usually a family affair. And by family I mean us & Nate's parents and brother. I love that they are so involved in Mason's life and want to do things such as trick or treating with him. We usually have themed foods at Nate's parents on Halloween, too. It's such a fun time.
Go to Mason's school carnival - again, another family affair. #masonsentourage ha! Mason's one lucky little guy.
Carving/Painting pumpkins - another thing I love to do with my little guy! We usually buy him a couple of pumpkins that he has full reigns over. I love seeing what he comes up with. We also join in the pumpkin contest when we camp at Mitchell Resort. We have a fun idea planned for this year! I can't wait to share.
Take Fall photos of Mason - love love love! Mason seems a little more cooperative in the fall when the weather is cooler and he's not sweating his little booty off. And fall pictures just come out prettier.
Annual Hocus Pocus night - the last several years we have dedicated an evening to a Hocus Pocus night complete with themed foods, drinks and desserts. Mason and I make treats throughout the day and then cozy up in our pajamas to eat, drink and watch the best movie ever! This has grown to be one of my favorite nights of the whole year.
And of course, Thanksgiving - for the last few years we have gotten really lucky when it comes to Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgivings have been so far spread out that we get to enjoy so much time with both sides of our family! That has been a huge blessing! Our tradition lately has been to have Thanksgiving lunch with Nate's family and spend several hours over there. Sometimes my family doesn't plan anything on the actual day due to everyone's schedules. We'll sometimes have it on the Saturday after. And it's been a tradition to do Thanksgiving with my parents on the Friday after. I love that we're able to spend so much time with everyone.
What are some of your Fall-time traditions?
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