{O N E} Oh, how I wish I had a green thumb. I've tried so many times and no matter how good of care I give it (or think I'm giving it), it just doesn't work out. However, I do have 2 plants that I've managed to bring back every single year since we've lived at this house. And my friends, that is 12 years. But, I really can't take much credit for these plants, they just always come back. They are so pretty and I love them on my porch.
{T W O} All the things! May is such a crazy month for us. All of the end of the year activities is a sure sign that summer is on the horizon! Mason just wrapped up his big Staar test so we can breathe a little easier now. He's confident he did well. I don't think they will be doing much these last couple weeks of school. But our big kick-off to the summer is our annual camping trip at Mason, TX on Memorial Day weekend. We look forward to this trip every year! We camp with about 18 other campers (that's campers, not people...there are usually over 40+ of us) and it's like a little family reunion each year. We all do whatever we want during the day (shop Fredericksburg, visit Luckenbach, golf, play in the river, etc) and then we all come together in the evenings to have community style suppers under string lights. It's what camping dreams are made of! Oh gosh, I can't wait. Only 8 more days.
{T H R E E} Oh gosh! I could go on and on about this subject as being a mother is my most favorite gift from God! Here are three things that are important to me as a Mama...
❥ Love your child(ren) fiercely and unconditionally. Never let a day pass where they question your love.
❥ Be their biggest supporter and encourager. Life is tough and they need you on their side.
❥ Always, always point them back to Jesus. There is no such thing as a perfect Mama, but there is a perfect Jesus who loves your child(ren) even more than you do!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
And there are my three things for May. I enjoyed this and look forward to the next one.
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