After a sweet morning at home, we got ready and drove around the block to Nate's parent's house to celebrate Christmas over there. It's the 11 of us plus Nate's aunt and grandmother.
The pink bunny suit is explained here. :)
For Christmas Day, Nate's mom always gets a nugget and fruit tray from Chick Fil A. Then we make all kinds of other snacks to go with it. Then we graze all day on said snacks! This year I made this cute little cheese board!
We let NeNaw open her gifts while we were waiting on Nate's middle brother and his family to arrive. It's such a blessing to get to spend Christmas day with Nate's Grandmother! She is so loved and adored by all.
This year the siblings opted to just buy for the kiddos in the family. Since Nate's youngest brother and wife do not have children, we bought their furbabies some gifts! It was so fun to shop for their dogs and cat. We have a new pet store in town that makes the cutest baked treats for dogs!
Once the littles arrived, we all opened presents. Mason was super surprised by his Nana and PawPaw with a Nike Tech Fleece! He's been wanting one for months and months. Everywhere we have looked (we even went into sports stores while out of town on trips) and even online have only had sizes of adult XL or XXL. He didn't expect this gift at all and the look on his face was the best!
After the presents, some of us went outside for snowballs. This is another tradition of ours! Like the true Texans that we are, we go to the local Bahama Bucks and order buckets of snowballs. You know, since we don't really get snow here. The kids and adults always have so much fun! This year, one of the littles had an ear infection so he and his parents stayed inside with him.
Next, we played the saran wrap ball game and then soaked up all the family time.
It was a wonderful day together! Then we all had to head home to start packing for a six-day camping trip! Nate put together Mason's racing contraption for his Xbox while I did laundry and packed.
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