Our sonogram on Tuesday went really well. On my way there I realized that I completely forgot to eat breakfast, which they like for me to do. I woke up extra early that day, but filled my time with sterlizing/putting away bottles, laundry, logging in to do a little work, uploading sono pics and videos, playing outside with Diesel, etc. and then it was time to go! I was making good time and got there early, so I grabbed a snack from the vending machine on the bottom floor of the hospital and ate some before my appt. My appt was at 8:30 and I actually went back on time!! Which is a good thing, but normally they are running behind. I thought I would have time to let my snack settle and for it to wake Mason up, but nope! He moved for a little bit during the sonogram, but really woke up afterwards. Figures, eh? Owell, the tech still saw enough movement for us to pass our BPP tests! My fluids were okay, his heartbeat was good and strong at around 141bpm and his movements were good too. We got a great sono picture of him kicking the you know what out of me! Greatness. I love it! This was my last "scheduled" sonogram. But Dr Greve told me to remind him of that on Thursday. So, I am thinking they will definitely schedule more. He mentioned wanting to weigh him at 38 weeks, so I at least have 1 more. I really hope I still have them 1x a week until delivery. That's the highlight of my week, seeing him every Tuesday!!!
Sonogram Pictures:
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