{Instagram Round-Up // 2016 // v1}

Happy Wednesday friends! I'm devoting today to catching up on my blog emails {all 98 of them}. So for today, it's a good ole' IG round-up post.

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on
A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

To see more of what I post on Instagram follow me at @HallAroundTexas


  1. Good luck in them emails! I need that coffee cup!!!!

  2. Per the norm, your photos are always so gorgeous. The shot with your coffee mug and blanket - oh so cozy!!

  3. Love that coffee cup. So fun that you were given the cup and the tea towel. They have impeccable taste! And I agree with Desiree, your photos are always fantastic.


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!