At any rate...2015 was a pretty good year for us. Emotionally challenging {for me} for sure; Pre-K graduation, starting Kindergarten, infertility struggles, etc. But, overall it was good to us. Here's a look back at our year...
January //
We got to meet up with a blogging friend turned IRL bestie {Amanda} and her sweet family! We had lunch in Fort Worth and then spent some time at Cabela's. It was so great to see them! I wish the DFW and the Panhandle were closer!!

They also brought us a tail fin from an old windmill at one of the ranches they worked. We still love it so very much and think it's one of the coolest pieces in our home.

Other things that happened in January:
...we joined the YMCA
...annual trip to the Fort Worth Rodeo & Stock Show
...celebrated my birthday
...we had unusually nice weather so we went to the park
February //
We threw an engagement party for my best friend at her cousin's tavern in Fort Worth!!

Texas got some

We went to visit the Magnolia in Waco, TX. If you're a Fixer Upper fan you know what I am talking about!!!

Also in February...we booked our trip to WALT DISNEY WORLD!!!
March //
We had another snow day in Texas!!!!

We went camping with Nate's family for the Bon Voyage in their new camper!!!

Other things that happened in March...
...Mase started T-ball
...I shared our Spring-time Bucketlist
April //
We road tripped to Round Top Texas for the Texas Antiques Fair. We also met a couple of famous people while we were there...

I started our Love Story Series.
Part One: How we met and started dating

Part Two: High School and College Days

Part three: The part where Nate got really, really sick

Part Four: The good stuff...marriage, house, puppy and then a baby!{posted in May}

In April we also went to Six Flags, antique alley and the bluebonnet trail.

I wrote about Mason's Preschool and how much we loved and adored it! We were so blessed to be a part of this place!

Also in April...
...we went to opening day for the Texas Rangers {yearly tradition}
...started prepping for Mason's 5th birthday & Disney World surprise reveal
May //
I shared our ever-growing Texas bucketlist.

The things I learned from being a boy mom...

I know I've mentioned it on the blog, but we go to a Cowboy Church here in our home town. It's such an amazing church! On Thursday nights they have something called a "Buck-out". It's a night where youth can ride in the arena and they also a message during intermission. Well, last May Mason did Mutton-Bustin for the first time!! Oh my word, it was awesome!!!!

We celebrated Mason's birthday with a surprise dinner! We didn't want to have a big party since we were gearing up for pre-k graduation and Disney World. He was surprised and it was a great evening with our closest family and friends.

Mason's Pre-K graduation. Such an amazing-tearfilled night!!

The very last day of PreK.

Nate's mom {Mason's Nana} planned a really fun Disney World reveal party for Mason!

Also in May...
...I shared our Disney packing list
...a letter to my sweet boy on his 5th bday
...some of the hilarious things Mase says
...I posted our Summer-time bucketlist
...and some of my favorite Time Hop posts
June //
I posted about our first and second days in Disney World. We visited the downtown area and Magic Kingdom those days.

Then days 3 & 4 which were spent at Animal Kingdom and Hollywood Studios.

Day five was spent at Magic Kingdom again.

We spent day six at Epcot.

In June we also spent a weekend camping in Glen Rose Texas. We visited Fossil Rim while we were there and had such a good time. And when we got back on that Sunday we had a wonderful visit with our friend Brittany and her adorable kiddos! We were so excited to meet Blakely. PS - Brittany is another friend that I met online via IG!! I adore her.

Also in June Mason started swim lessons with a fabulous instructor. We were amazed by how much he learned in just 1 short week of lessons. He's a little fish now.

Towards the end of the month we made a quick weekend trip to Tennessee to surprise my Papa for his birthday!! I miss him so much and hate that there are so many miles between us.

Also in June... favorite souvenir from Disney World
...Mason's first big boy injury
July //
I spent a lot of time DIY'ing things for our house. I mastered the burlap wreath making and became a bit addicted to making them!

We camped at Mill Creek in Canton Texas for the 4th of July weekend.

We made a day trip to Oklahoma to visit Nate's Grandparents.

Other happenings in July...
...I got out and took some sunflower pictures
...I joined in the #31photosinbetween photo challenge
...shared an update to our summer-time bucket list
...things to do in my hometown
...our two ingredient homemade ice cream recipe
...Nathan and I had a rare week-night date
August //
We camped at Jellystone Park for one last camping hurrah before the new school year started.

I reviewed a T-shirt {with an awesome message} from an amazing company!!

We had Kindergarten meet the teacher night. We were blessed to find out that we got the teacher we requested. We also learned that Mason's best friend and his cousin were in the same class.

Mason started Kindergarten. And I cried like a big ol baby!

Nathan and I celebrated nine years of marriage and had a day date in Grandbury, TX.

Other things that happened in August...
...I posted the 2nd half of the #31photosinbetween photos
...summer-time snapshots
...we bought Mason a heart-shaped rock to put in his pocket at school so that any time he got sad or missed us he could hold the heart.
September //
Nate and Mason had a son/daddy date to the ballpark to watch the Texas Rangers!

We made another road trip...this time to the Hill Country. We camped in Mason, TX but visited Pedernales Falls while we were there. It's breathtakingly beautiful!

All about our Texas Hill Country Road Trip.

In September Mason had his first Kindergarten event and I got to attend. A Red, White and Blue parade. And it was freakin' adorable.

We really stepped up our DIY game in Sept. and made all kinds of things. Like these DIY Pallet Pumpkins or DIY Headboard made out of fence panels.

We also DIY'ed a Farmhouse Pallet Coffee Table...minus the pallets. We intended on using pallets, but out of the 10 or so we didn't have 2 that matched up well enough for a table. So we hand-made the entire thing.

Other happenings in Sept...
...I shared our 2015 Fall Bucketlist
...Mason and I went on a Nature Scavenger Hunt at our favorite park
...I shared how to print on burlap
...We pumped the brakes and dedicated some time at home
October //
If you've read my blog for any length of time then you know how much I love to decorate our porch for the seasons. In October I shared our Fall decorated porch.

We made our way back to Round Top, TX for the Fall Texas Antiques Weekend.

We made a short day trip to Oklahoma where my in-laws were camping {at the casinos} for the weekend. Nate and I spent a couple of hours at the casino while Nana and Papa watched Mason.

We visited the Texas State Fair!!!

We made our annual trip to the coolest Pumpkin Patch ever {Mainstay Farm}

We joined our good friends for the Fall Festival at their church. They have trunk or treating, food and all kinds of fun games for the kiddos.

Other happenings in October...
...Mason's first day off school in Kindergarten
...Mason legit thought he was a Ninja for a while
...I got diagnosed with Subclinical Hypothyroidism
...We Boo'd our friends for the first time and had a blast doing so
...I shared our Favorite Fall Traditions
...And a fun Fall Photo Checklist
...Mason started gymnastics again
November //
We kicked off November by co-hosting a Costume Party Linkup with some of my blogging buddies. Mason wore a few different costumes throughout this Halloween season.

I shared more about the Nature Scavenger Hunt that Mason and I went on.

We made a Thankful jar and wrote down one thing we were thankful for each day throughout the month of Nov.

We had many park dates. Fall is our favorite time to visit our awesome historical park!!

We celebrated Diesel, our little miracle pup, being home for one year. You can read his story here.

Other happenings in November...
...I DIY'ed a Fall Cotton Wreath
...Mason's Transportation Parade at school
...Another round of things Mason says
...The Five W's of Hall Around Texas
...I shared our Christmas time bucketlist
...Had an amazing Thanksgiving with our family
December //
I shared week one of our Elf on the Shelf Max' Shenanigans.

Our Polar Express Train Ride in Palestine, TX. It was so magical and amazing.

I joined some of my favorite bloggers for a Secret Santa book exchange.

We visited Santa a few times in 2015.

When we were in Palestine for the Polar Express we also visited the Grinch's Lair!! It's safe to say that the Grinch is one of Mason's favorites now!!

Elf on the Shelf...week two Shenanigans!!

I joined in for a Christmas Home Tour. Decorating for Christmas and seeing how others decorate for Christmas is one of my most favorite things.

I hosted a Christmas Pajama party linkup with some of my favorite bloggers.

Deckin' the Halls and Trimmin' the Tree.

We attended the Bethlehem Revisited in our home town! This is such a moving experience and one of my favorite Christmas time traditions.

Our 3rd year to go to Breakfast with Santa at our friend's church. They truly host a fun event. Everyone brings breakfast items, they have tons of crafts for the kids and of course SANTA!!!

Other happenings in December...
...I shared our Elf on the Shelf calendar for the month
...15 ways to Keep the Magic in Christmas for Littles
...Our DIY Christmas Scripture Countdown chain
...I shared a Christmas and Winter Photo Checklist
...I joined in an ornament show & tell
...Recap one of Stephanie's Christmas Photo Challenge
...Bits of Cheer
...Christmas Photo Challenge Recap #2
...Christmas Photo Challenge Recap #3
Wow! I am pretty sure this is the longest post I have ever compiled. But, it was fun to look back at our year. It put into perspective how much we really go and do throughout the year. So many little {and big} trips!!
Happy 2016!!!
And if you made it to the bottom of this post, I owe you a coke. ;)
What a year! I'm so glad I've met you! I loved reading all about your year!
This is making me want to go back and read all your old posts! And I had no clue you and your husband met in high school!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post!! Your 2015 was awesome and I can't wait to see your adventures in 2016.
ReplyDeleteYou did so many fun things, went on some incredible trips, and crafted some of the coolest things! Not to mention, Mason grew so much in one short year. 2015 seems like it was pretty great. Cheers to 2016!!
ReplyDeleteI love year in reviews. I know how much work goes into them so I love them a little more. Your year sounds like it was fabulous! The shower you threw was gorgeous! You met Willie Robertson? Jealous! The antique market looks awesome and I love all the palette furniture and decorations you've made! Here's to making 2016 as wonderful as 2015!
ReplyDeleteWhat an amazing 2015 you have had. I have loved following you along and getting to know you in 2015. 2016 is going to be awesome.
ReplyDeleteP.s. I am posting this from my phone and there is a slight chance I just left a similar comment on the wrong post ;).
Amazing celebrating!