I've been on a book binge! Since last Friday I've ready If I Stay, Where She Went and I am about to finish The Fault in our Stars. Up next is Gone Girl. I started it last Fall, but it was right in the middle of our move from our Dallas office to our home offices and I pushed it aside. It's still on my kindle so I am going to start it over and hopefully finish it this time.
Any book suggestions?
{T W O}
We actually have no set plans this weekend. We were supposed to go camping for my sister's birthday, but that fell through. I think we may check out the Texas Trophy Hunters event in Fort Worth on Saturday.
{T H R E E}
I mentioned last week I was having trouble getting my emails from Blogger through email...well, I created a gmail for my blog and switched my comments over to that. So far it's working! I've been getting them all. I am starting to wonder if maybe it was a yahoo mail issue rather than a blogger issue? Anyhow, my new blog email address is HallAroundTexas@gmail.com if you need me!
{F O U R}
I was reading Texas Mrs. and she mentioned how she loves 90s country, which is also an obsession of mine. So I was looking up and listening to 90s country when I came across Tanya Tucker. She was one of the first cassette tapes I remember having and listening to over and over. And then I started remembering this one song, "I'll Tennessee you in my Dreams" and bawling my eyes out. My Grandparents have always lived in Tennessee and us in Texas and that song always made me think about them and miss them so much!! Do you have a song like that? That brings back so many memories and makes you cry?
{F I V E}
Friends, please pray for us. Mason starts Pre-K next Monday and it's going to be a transition for all of us. Right now he is really excited and wants to go, but I know that when it comes to dropping off time on Monday he will break. He will love it once he's there, but it's the dropping off that's so hard. We're so attached.
And because I can't post without a picture....

I hope that everything goes well with Mason and that you have a great weekend!!
ReplyDeleteHow if Fault in Our Stars? I hate crying when reading a book.... but if it's totally worth crying over, then I'll read it!
ReplyDeleteYour hair is sooooo cute!
We're at the TX Trophy Hunters show all weekend selling my hubby's camo (Cross Country Camo). Stop by and see us if you come out! We're close to where the rattlesnakes are :-)
ReplyDeleteRandom question... when you changed the name of your blog, did you change your blog url? I always access your blog via bloglovin and it doesn't say the url here. If you did change it, I might need your help!
ReplyDeleteYour new email is noted! Thanks for the update! I hope that dropping Mason off to school goes smoothly. I heard it's about making the sound of school a lot of fun. Kids reflect parents reaction on situations, so if you start it on a positive note rather than an "aww, goodbye! :-( I hate to leave you here" point of view, then the situation might have a better outcome. Let us know how it goes so I can know what to do for future reference hehe. That picture of you two looks so good. You are so beautiful! Nice teeth :-D
ReplyDeletePrayers for you all and Mason as he transitions into school. My son starts the first week of September and I'm already getting nervous about it. I think it's as tough on us momma's as it is the kiddos
ReplyDeleteOh yes, the drop off. Dreaded! Thankfully most of the time they enjoy it afterwards so much it doesn't stay an issue. Praying for you guys tomorrow! eek!
ReplyDeleteHello gorgeous couple!
ReplyDeleteHaha gotta love 90's country! When I hear some songs, they just hit home and remind me of a past time!!!