{7 Weeks}

Where is the time going? And would it pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee slow down? Our baby boy was 7 weeks old this past Tuesday - 7-13-2010.

Mason, you are still VERY spoiled!
You are holding your head up more and getting stronger every day.
You are smiling more and more.
Nana is still watching you during the week while Mommy and Daddy work.
Nana spoils you!
You still sleep in the bed with mommy and daddy. And you sleep really good! Thank you sweet baby boy!
You still love your baths, and mommy can't help but take pictures almost every single time!
You are growing out of most of your newborn clothes and even some 0-3 months. You have worn a few 3 month onesies, too. Mostly the Carter's Brand.
You still love to be held and cannot be put down during the day.
You are spoiled!
You are eating 4 ounces every 2 - 2.5 hours during the day, and only nurse at night.
You have the cutest little lips, but mommy can't handle your pouting lip!
You still love to be outside (can't wait until the Fall)
You met two of your friends; one being 22 days older and 1 being 1 week younger and you outweigh them by pounds!!
You are a growing boy and momma loves it!
We are still practicing with the swing, bouncer, bumbo seat and walker. Bits at a time. You seem to get bored easily (like mommy). So we have to walk around with you.
Did I mention you were spoiled?

I love you, my lil chunkster!

I love all of your faces :)

AND, I love to watch you and your daddy together

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