{Frank Kent's DreamPark}

I mentioned in my train post that we scoped out a really awesome park that we wanted to go back to! Well, after lunch that day Nate and I took Mason to find that park! It was crazy packed, but so much fun. A friend told us they call it the Dr. Seuss park and that is such a great way to describe this park.

It was a beautiful day so the crowds were abundant. But, that didn't stop us from having all the fun. This park had all the typical park things but on a cooler scale! Think roller slides, zip lines, tree houses, things you could climb, spinny things, etc. And the floor of the park is a squishy floor like at gymnastics! They really thought of everything at this park. I will let the pictures do the talking...

Where do I sign the petition to get one of these in our town?! haha! Do you have a park like this where you live?

And for the video:

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