This past Friday Nathan and I celebrated 23 years of being together!! TWENTY THREE! And how did we celebrate? By going to a Halloween party that a local Jeep club put on along with a shop owner that is a friend of ours! Mason opted to stay with his Grandparents, so it was a date night for us. We missed him, but enjoyed our time together.

Mike (the shop owner) is the one that put our lift on our Jeep almost two years ago! He has since taken ownership of a new shop so we were eager to check out his new digs! And? It's pretty awesome. He also had a lot of project vehicles in the shop that we could take a look at! We really enjoyed our time there! And it was good to see some friends we haven't seen in a while. It was a costume party which is always fun. Nate and I didn't want to wear our scarecrow costumes so we headed to check some after Halloween clearance sales. We found two adult onesies and called it a day.

Upon walking in we found out we had some costume twins!! haha

And then my good friend Jess finally got there! I had missed her so much!! She takes the prize for onesie, though! She found a Harry Potter onesie. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.

It was a great night spent with some great people! I love this community!

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