{Five on Friday // New glasses, bring your kid to work, kayaking, musical, night of prayer}

What a week it has been! I forgot how incredibly busy the month of May is for our family. It's the end of the school year and there are projects upon projects and events upon events. This week was teacher appreciation week and thus the reason for neglect to this blog. Not only was I busy preparing gifts for Mason's teacher, the PTO {which I am a part of} set up a candy bar on Wednesday for the teachers. We hung a sign that said "How sweet it is to be taught by you" and we had all kinds of yummy candies for them to indulge on. It was really cute! Wednesday was church and we didn't get home until after 10:00 because a couple came in needing some help. We fed them and put them up in our church's caring house for the evening. Today we have members of the church going to check on them and put a plan in place to get them back home about an hour and a half south of us. Thursday Mason had a music program at school and then it was National Night of Prayer. Here's a peek of what has been going on in our parts lately...

{O N E} Mason's new glasses...

A couple weeks ago I shared that Mason was getting fitted for new glasses. They came in and they are so incredibly cute on him. Between his new glasses and the extra couple inches of height he's sporting he looks so grown! My heart can't take it.

^^ Sneak peek of some 7 year old pictures I took of Mason this week!

{T W O} Bring your kid to work day...

Last Thursday was bring your kid to work day at Nate's company. Mason looks forward to this day all year long. He has so much fun visiting dad's workplace, visiting dad's friends, and doing all of the activities they offer that day. Mason's favorite activities were driving the robots, making ice cream with liquid nitrogen, spinning a wheel to make electricity, and calling me on his dad's work phone {multiple times}. They both had the greatest day together!!

{T H R E E} Kayaking and fishing...

After bring your kid to work day we had lunch from Chick Fil A and then the boys loaded up to go kayaking and fishing! Mason got 10 {if you as him} fish and was so excited. I know the time was special for Nathan because Mason is usually a mama's boy! I was happy for the both of them. They had a blast. And you know I couldn't resist getting pictures!

And then Nate captured some shots while fishing on the kayak. I love these!!!

{F O U R} First Grade Music Program...

Last night Mason had a Cindo De Mayo themed musical at his school! It was so cute. We couldn't see Mason well because he was on the bottom row and there were too many people in front of us. But, it was still adorable.

{F I V E} National Day of Prayer...

After the musical we headed straight to downtown for a night of prayer put on by the Chief of Police. We prayed over government officials, the town {it's not our hometown, but it's where Mason goes to school and where we go to church}, our schools. etc. They gave everyone present a keychain link and at the end we linked them together. It was moving! Mason and two of his friends from church got to help the Chief.

{B O N U S} Uncle T-Ty is a Police Officer...

Mason's uncle Ty {he calls him T-Ty} was hired on by the police department in the town we go to school and church. Ty is very involved with the community there and so this is perfect! We were out taking Mason's 7 year pictures the other day and he saw this sign and had to take a picture for his uncle.

That's all I have for today! Hope you have a great weekend.


  1. Hi Sweet Friend! It sounds like y'all have had an amazing week. Mason looks so grown in his 7 yr pics. He's so handsome in those new glasses! I loved hearing all about his day at work with his Daddy. What a fun, special memory he'll always have. The pics of him and his fish are priceless! That sums up boys perfectly and I just love it!

    It's funny Mason has an Uncle Ty, too. So does Dylan but he calls his Ty-too. We don't know why, he just came out with that when he was little and it has stuck. Can't wait to see what fun the weekend brings for y'all! Enjoy girl!

  2. Love his new glasses! What a cutie! Happy Friday!

  3. What lovely photos! I love seeing Mason growing up. I love the candy bar sign idea - I may steal that for my end of year teacher gifts! Also, wow about the couple your church helped, good for you!

  4. Wow what a week! Loving the new glasses! And congrats to your uncle, Mason! He may need a take your nephew to work day next year!

  5. Mason looks so cute in his new glasses! Is it me or do they make him look so much older?! He's getting SO big, friend! Happy weekend!

  6. I love his glasses! He really is growing up. How fun that he was able to go to work with his dad. It sounds like the company really puts a lot of time and focus on this day. Have a great weekend! PS....the pictures are amazing as always

  7. So cute in those glasses. Girl it sounds like you have been SO busy! May can fill up fast!

  8. Such a handsome boy! First of all, your church just sounds wonderful! I'll add that couple to my prayer list. I hope everything works out alright with them. Congrats to your brother-in-law! We back the blue, too!

  9. Mason is adorable in those new glasses!! (I'm sure he wouldn't appreciate the word adorable haha) How fun for him to go fishing with his Dad! Our kids love fishing too!

  10. Mason is such a special lil guy, that's for sure. I love all the great times he's had this week. :)


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!