{The Guys behind the Blog // January edition}

Hall Around Texas Guys Behind the Blog

Time for the Guys Behind the Blog - January edition!! I love getting a chance to feature my sweet man on this blog! I probably could have answered this month's questions for him. I know him all too well. Nate is a true man's man and loves anything to do with the great outdoors.

1. Are you a New Year's resolution person? Why or why not? 
Can't say that I've ever been a resolution kind of guy. I tend to just go with it. If I am fat and need to lose weight I don' wait until the New Year or if we need more money for something then I just work some overtime. 
(such a guy - he cracks me up!!)

2. Do you like colder months or do you prefer the warmer months? Why?
I am a beach loving, flip flop wearing, baseball fan that likes to fish...so I like it hot!!
(This is where Nathan and I are night and day. I love the mountains and the colder weather. Well, cooler but with good sunshine.)

3, Have you been skiing or snowboarding? If so, did you enjoy it?
I have never been and have never had the desire to go. I'm sure I would enjoy it, but I have my reasons for not going.
(his best friends dad was paralyzed in a skiing accident when the boys were young)

4. Where is your favorite winter vacation you've ever taken?
I do enjoy the mountains...they fit me. I like to be outdoors and do all the outdoor activities like hike, bike, kayak, hunt, fish, and camp. So I would say Beaver's Bend or Estes Park Colorado.
(these are also two of my favorite places and trips)

5. If you were paid $100,000 to stay in a cabin in the mountains (in the winter) with not internet or TV for a month, could you do it? How would you spend your time?
No problem! Fishing, hunting, gathering firewood and relaxing by the fire. I would find something to do and would probably want to stay longer than a month.

Next Month's Questions:
1 // Name two things your wife has taught you.
2 // What was your favorite part of your wedding day?
3 // Valentines Day is usually more about the girl...but tell me, what is something YOU would love to receive on Valentine's day?
4 // What was the best date you and your wife ever had?
5 // If money was no option and you could go anywhere in the world with just your spouse, where would you go and what would you do?

Bonus Questions:
6 // Valentine's Day - Hallmark Holiday or Real Holiday?
7 // What is your favorite romantic comedy movie?

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  1. Our hubbies would get along very well. Ha ha! Keeping busy and being outside fits them both well. I love this link up!

  2. I would probably want to stay longer than a month, YES! I sure would too. His answer to #1 was my favorite. I was nodding my head in agreement. Its like I always say if you want to do something, do it!

  3. Wow, that is definitely a legitimate reason not to want to go skiing or snowboarding. Chris has fallen and hit his head and that turned him off too. At least now people wear helmets! A kid was paralyzed because of high school wrestling and I now will never let Noah do it... those kinds of things stick with you!

  4. Baseball just isn't the same in a covered facility! We have the Rogers Centre here and while it's good for inclement weather, it feels like a huge concrete bowl. Yes to warm weather!!
    Xo, Evelina @ Fortunate House

  5. Ah I would miss the outside world for sure for that month but $100k! Sign me up!

  6. He is a guy's guy for sure. His love of the outdoors is so impressive. He is right at home in Texas then with the warm weather year round that he can enjoy being outside in.

  7. I love his first answer! LOL!! Such a guys guy, I love it :)

  8. I enjoy these posts so much. My hubby is a lot like yours. He's not big on making resolutions, either. He just does what needs to be done, too. And he'd be happy as a clam in a cabin without tv or internet. He'd be outside hunting and bush crafting, too while I was snuggled up inside reading and drinking coffee. Where do we sign up for this vacation?

  9. I'm so happy that you are starting this back up! Writing it down for next time! :) Although I too know how he will answer all of these questions, hehe.

  10. How fun!! My guy loves the outdoors but he prefers the golf course! HA

  11. First of all, is that Mason in that picture with Nate?! Holy moly, did he grow?? He looks so tall!
    Also, I KNEW he would be ok in the mountains for a month! You guys do so much camping, he would be in his element!

  12. I think I would probably want to stay longer than a month, too! And I'm with him on the hot weather...as I sit here shivering to the return of 25 degree weather. His reason for not skiing is definitely understandable. XOXO

  13. Oh my goodness how terrifying about his friend's dad. I wouldn't be going skiing either then! B and I used to go and I always sucked at it, but probably because I was terrified of it!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!