{Countdown to Halloween // Week 3 // BOO'ing}

BOO'ing a friend, neighbor or relative has become one of our favorite Halloween traditions. Mason and I have so much fun picking out little Halloween themed treats to put in the BOO bag. Last year Mason and I BOO'd one of his friends {post here}. This year we BOO'd Masons 4 cousins...who all happen to be boys!

I made four of the same little treat buckets for each of them. I filled them with various things I found either in the Target dollar spot or the dollar tree. I tried to find things that I know boys would love. You know...gross things like slime, spiders, eyeballs, and even gummy boogers. Yuck! As for the BOO instructions I just whipped those up using Picmonkey.

We delivered their BOO baskets on a Saturday when we knew they would all four be at my parent's house. I know the premise is to drop the BOO basket and leave, but that wasn't happening for Mason. He wanted to visit with his cousins! So we left the BOO bag on the porch until one of the cousins found it. haha.

Mason was BOO'd by a dear friend of mine a week or so agao! She left the BOO bag on our porch so that when he got home from school he would see it. I made him guess who it was. Naturally, his first thought was his cousins since he had recently BOO'd them. After a couple of hints he guessed who it was. He was so surprised and so excited!! He kept saying 'that's so nice of her' over and over. I love his sweet and tender little heart.

Mason got a skeleton drink cup, a Ninja Turtle blanket and a grow a zombie and he loves them all. He sleeps with the Ninja Turtle blanket every single night and always asks to drink out of his skeleton cup! Thank you so much Amber for thinking of him and for always being so sweet to him. I am so grateful for friends and family like you that pour into my sweet boy's life!

Have you been BOO'd or have you BOO'd anyone this season? What kind of treats do you include?

Joining CourtneyNinaJamie and Liz for 2016 Countdown to Halloween!

Also, don't forget that tomorrow starts our Halloween Pajama and Costume Party link-up! The link-up will run through November 3rd for those that want to post after Halloween. Feel free to link-up as many times as you want throughout those dates as long as it's Halloween Pajama or Costume themed. Also, for those of you don't have a blog you can still join us. Just tag #costumepty16 in your photos so that we are sure to see them!


  1. Mason is so sweet. I love his kind heart. I think doing the boo'ing is even more fun than receiving the boo, though I guarantee Cam disagrees. We Boo'd 3 neighbors a few weeks away and yesterday we walked around the front of the house to put our Jack-o-Lantern out and found that we'd been Boo'd. We were so excited and totally didn't expect it.

  2. So cute! I love this boo'ing tradition, but nobody really seems to do any of that around here. Maybe I should start something?!

  3. So fun!! I'd never heard of being "Boo'd" until we moved to California. If I can remember, there are a few neighbors that I know Marcus would love to "Boo" this weekend!

  4. I see so many people doing this, but nobody does that around here (that I know of). Maybe we need to get it going!

  5. How fun!! So cute that Mason wanted to wait until his cousins found their surprise.

  6. Wow you guys take this whole boo business seriously! Love it!

  7. I love it! Target has the best stuff! We finally got booed (after kicking it off with our moms club) and Noah was so excited!!!

  8. Oh how fun!!! I love that you boo'ed four of Mason's cousins! I bet they loved it!

  9. I love this idea so much and really wanted to do it this year but haven't yet! There's still some time though, I better get a move on!

  10. So, so fun! We did this between teachers at school! We need to do it in the neighborhood!

  11. i just love the boo-ing thing. I wish it was more do-able for us. We will def. make it happen one of these years though. Love how excited Mason was.


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!