{The Kids Behind the Blog // V2}

Questions for March// With Mason's Answers

1.) What do you enjoy doing with Mommy and Daddy?
Going to Academy! {we had just left there} And go camping.

2.) What is one thing you're really good at?

3.) What is something Mommy and Daddy tell you all the time?
To be good
to listen
to listen
I'm a good kid

4.) What do you want to be when you grow up?
A police
and a Principal
and a Teacher

5.) What do you think Mommy and Daddy do when you go to bed at night?
Go to lunch! {hahaha}

For our full conversation listen to the video below...

I ask Mason these questions in bed and I record his answers. It's just a black screen, but it's the only way I can video him these days...video below.

 photo The Kids Behing The Blog-blog_zps8hmjowu6.jpg

To read about all of the details behind this link-up - click here.

Hosts // 

Dates // 

April 13th, May 11th, June 8th, July 13th, August 10th, September 14th, October 12th, November 9th, December 14th

Grab our button and link-up with us!!

Hall Around Texas

Now for next month's questions. Here are the questions for April 13th.

1. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
2. Who is your favorite person?
3. When playing outside, what do your ideal sunny day plans look like?
4. What do you like to do when it's raining? (Since April showers bring May Flowers)
5. If you could plant a garden of anything, what would you plant?

Have a suggestion for a question to ask in a future Kids Behind the Blog? Send it my way!


  1. Haha these are so funny! I am loving this link up!! Thanks for hosting! XO

  2. Love this link up! I'm going to ask my daughter these questions and link up tomorrow!

  3. haha Academy. Aria likes going there too and trying to murder all the fishing poles.

  4. Go to lunch!! That is so cute!! :) Thanks for hosting!

  5. That picture of him is so awesome! Love his answers for what he wants to be and for what you tell him :)

  6. First off, that picture is amazing. Mason is too cute! And #3 - I love that he included "to listen" twice, haha. Enjoy your late night lunch! ;)

  7. That picture! I'm guessing he's not a kid to be messed with ;) Love his answers. Of course parents are just waiting for their kids to go to sleep so we can go out to eat without them. Too funny!

  8. I love Mason's job aspirations! Many times teachers DO become principals!

  9. I LOVE this link-up idea!!! I will definitely be linking up next month!

  10. Haha! Mommy and daddy tell you to... listen. listen. Amen. Isn't that how it is for all of us? If Mason could talk, he'd definitely say that... times 100.

  11. I love his response for what Mommy & Daddy tell you to do. All of our kids were pretty honest with that question, hey? Thanks for hosting!

  12. So cute, love his little voice! And his response to what he wanted to be was so quick!

  13. Baha ha! Oh Mason you are such a hoot. My favorite part was that he remembers you saying "you are a good kid" so often, so sweet and it sounds like he is going to be a busy guy when he gets older ;).

  14. Funny answers. And love his photo too. He sounds like he has personality!! Visiting from the linkup today. Thanks for hosting.

  15. His answers are great!!
    Mason would make an excellent police officer!
    And, going to lunch after he goes to bed... HAHA!!

  16. I think I tell my kids to listen a lot too! I can't believe that they didn't say that as an answer to that question. I love that Mason has a bunch of different career aspirations!

  17. That is an excellent photo of him! And go to lunch! That's not a bad idea actually. Put the kids to bed and have a late meal just you and your spouse..... Very very late. Lol

  18. Thanks for hosting! I'm enjoying reading all the answers!

  19. I aaaallllways have to ask my oldest what I said, because he's always so busy I think he misses half of anything I might say, lol.

  20. Ha ha! I love his answers! What a silly guy. Going camping sounds pretty great to me.

  21. I love his voice... And I love how calm and sweet your voice is too! I felt the same way with Noah with the things we say a lot question... Don't you think we say "I love you" a lot!?!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!