{Oh Hey Friday // Easter edition}

Good morning and Happy Good Friday! It's going to be all about Easter on the blog today!!  Easter is by far my favorite holiday. And I am so excited about it this year because of our new church. Love it. We have a busy weekend ahead of us, but I am ready for it. It started yesterday evening {more below}.Today Mason and I will make Resurrection Rolls {Thanks Beth!}, dye our Easter eggs, and do our resurrection eggs. I can't wait to spend such precious time with my best boy!! Saturday morning I volunteered to help our church with the set-up of the city wide egg hunt. The hunt is from 11-1. Mason has a soccer game at 1, so we will have to leave for that. And then right after his game we are heading down to where Nate's parent's are camping for the day/evening. Sunday we have sunrise service at 8, breakfast at 9, Sunday school at 9:30, and Easter service at 10:45. After church we will go to my parents house to celebrate Easter and then that evening we will have Easter with Nate's family. So excited.

This week on the blog I shared:

Monday //  St Pattys Day Shenanigans
Tuesday // 10 on Tuesday Target style
Wednesday // Mason's Easter basket(s)
Thursday // I confess

{O N E} Communion and Stuffing Eggs! Last night three churches gathered in our church gym to have communion {led by our Pastor} and then stuffing of over 8,000 Easter eggs for our city-wide egg hunt on Saturday. We had a good group come out and we stuffed all of the eggs in an hour! Then one of the Pastors from one of the other churches led us in prayer over the eggs. It was an amazing night and I was so happy to have been a part of it.

{T W O} Easter Books! These books have been read almost every night this week.

Hall Around Texas - Easter Books

{T H R E E} Magic Easter Jelly Beans!! Mason's Nana came over one night this week and planted magic jelly beans with Mason. This is a tradition they do together. Sometimes the jelly beans grow lolli-pops or some other bigger type of candy. We can't wait to see what they grow into on Easter.

{F O U R} Mason's Easter egg hunt at school. Mason had a hunt at his school on Thursday! I was able to watch because it was during the time I am normally there in the car-pool line waiting on him! It was so cute and he had so much fun. He was ecstatic to find a golden egg. Made his little heart so happy.

{F I V E} Easter Scavenger Hunt! My sweet friend Beth sent me a snapchat of an Easter Scavenger Hunt and I just knew we had to do it too! I whipped up a print {below} so that we could take it with us on Saturday! I think the camping grounds {which are on the river} will be the perfect place to do this. I am so excited, I know Mason will love it. He has a passion for learning about Jesus!!

Hall Around Texas - Easter Scavenger Hunt

How will you celebrate Easter this year?


  1. I love the scavenger hunt idea. It sounds like you have a BUSY and exciting weekend.
    Have a blessed Easter -

  2. You guys had such a fun week! Love everything you've done to prepare. Can't wait to hear all about your Easter. Have a great weekend friend.

  3. What a great week! Happy Easter, friend!

  4. LOVE the planted jelly beans!! Maybe next year?? I think mine would be really confused and just start planting everything! ha! Hope y'all have a wonderful Easter!!

  5. The magic jellybeans is such a cute tradition. And I love the silly class picture where everyone's sticking their tongue out. 8,000 Easter eggs in under an hour has to be some kind of world record! Sounds like a fun week :)

  6. Loving the magic jellybean tradition. I picked up the gel pens from target after I saw your snap. haha Everything in this post is so creative (as always). Happy Easter! xo

  7. I love that scavenger hunt idea! Beth is such a smart cookie. Looks like y'all are going to have a fun weekend! Hope you have a blessed Easter.

  8. I wanted to do the magic jelly beans but Chris laughed at me thinking I was crazy. I told him this was seriously a tradition for some families. He told me it can stay other people's traditions lol!

  9. Your Easter weekend sounds like there was so much goodness!
    The magic jelly beans is SUCH a cute idea! I need to do that with my kids. I bet they'd get a kick out of it.
    The Easter bunny left God Gave Us Easter in the Easter baskets this year. Love that book!!
    I hope your weekend was the best!!

  10. Oh I LOVE that you made a printable out of the scavenger hunt. What an amazing idea!!! I hope your Easter was amazing.

  11. Wow, busy weekend for you all! I hope your Easter was lovely!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!