Lately, I have been sharing posts on Instagram and Facebook during my quiet/Bible study time. Usually, I will share a photo of my Bible wherever I am reading from and include a scripture (and sometimes a short devotional). I have gotten so many messages from friends asking questions like what Bible I have, what I use for Bible study, how to get started, etc. I thought I would make a post sharing the apps I use and how I use them.
O N E // Bible App
First and foremost, the Bible App. This is one I use daily and I love the functionality of it. From the app, you can read the books of the Bible (selecting whichever version you see best fit for your reading), highlight and make notes, find plans by topic/author/new to faith, etc., listen to podcasts, see featured plans, search churches near you, etc. I love that when you start a plan you can do this in private or you can invite your friends to join you. I think this is an amazing way to keep yourself accountable for staying in the word! I also use this app in church.
T W O // She Reads Truth
This is my favorite app for Bible Studies! I discovered She Reads Truth years ago and have been using it ever since. They have a website that includes their plans, podcasts, a place to order study books, etc. I mostly use the app. From the app, you can follow the current reading plan, search previous plans, take notes, highlight, read what others are saying about the plan, find lock screens for your phone, read the Bible, etc. It's so beautifully made. I pay for a monthly subscription so that I can have access to all of the plans. I believe I only pay $2.99 a month for this. It's well worth it. Each plan has a daily reading from the Bible, a devotional, and then commentary from other readers.
T H R E E // Enduring Word
I once heard about this app from a YouTuber (Jess and Gabriel) and immediately downloaded it. Enduring word is such a great source for commentary on books of the Bible. It's helped me to understand things deeper. From the app, you can search commentary on the books of the Bible, bookmark things, listen to the daily devotional podcast, read the daily devotional, read devotional reading plans, and listen to the audio commentary version.
The Bible I use is the She Reads Truth Bible.
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