Linking Up with Emily at Ember Grey for a Grateful Heart. I knew the pictures were coming...I did...but I didn't know how un-prepared I was to see them! I walked into school to pick Mason up one day last week and saw Mamas looking at their child's Pre-K graduation pictures and I just about lost it. I asked Ms Ashley to put Mason's graduation pictures behind the Spring picture packet because I just couldn't. I couldn't. I mean I was already in tears over other Mamas looking at their babies pictures could you imagine the blubbering mess I would be if I looked at Mason's? We'll save that ugly mess for home. :)
I got in the car and put those pictures out of sight. I prepared myself the whole way home. Silly, maybe? But I had to. I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that my sweet little baby is old enough to graduate Pre-K and will be moving on to Kindergarten in less than five months. I mean, I just had him yesterday.
I opened the pictures at home and just as I expected...the big fat ugly cry. Even with his fake smile and sweet little face I cried. And I cried hard. It's just so bittersweet.
But, with graduation approaching it really had me thinking. Mostly about how grateful I am that we found such an amazing school for Mason. The teachers and staff at his school are so thoughtful, so caring and they love these babies as if they were their own. That's not easy to find these days. We have been on the other side at a different school where it was just a 'job' to most of the teachers there. All I can say is that we are so incredibly blessed to be where we are now. Those teachers pour their hearts and souls into these kids over 8 hours a day shaping them into respectful, smart and caring little humans all the while preparing them for the great big world out there. I am astonished by the things that Mason has learned. He is writing on his own, spelling multiple words and sounding out words. I am almost certain I didn't do that at four years old. I am amazed. And not only is he learning so much there, he comes home talking about how fun it was and how much he loves his teacher and peers. That makes a Mama's heart so happy.
I had so much guilt taking Mason to school every day when he was at the other location. It rocked me to my core. But now? I don't have that guilt at all. Sure, I miss him like crazy and think about going to pick him up every minute of every day because he's a blessing and makes my days happy, but I do not feel guilty. He is loved, taken care of, having fun, making lifelong friends and learning so much. And it's going to make going to Kindergarten so much easier on him. Why wouldn't I want that for him?
So, today and for the rest of my life I will be grateful for FHK and the teachers and staff that make it the amazing place that it is.
What are you grateful for today?

Can I just say how adorable he looks in this picture. My oldest is in Kindergarten and I'm pretty sure they do graduation for them cause they don't do it for Pre-K.
ReplyDeleteSo adorable!!! I haven't seen many preschool graduation pictures!
ReplyDeleteSo cute!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG I'm tearing up just thinking about this being Hamp in a couple of years. It is so bittersweet, I'm sure. He is so adorable!
ReplyDeleteOh he is so handsome. My little girl is graduation from Kindergarten and it is soooooo sad. My very last baby e.v.e.r. is growing up way too fast! That's awesome that they provided those pictures. So fun!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I deleted my old blog - thinking of starting a new one just not sure what yet.. But I felt lost not being able to follow everybody that I met... :) xoxo
He is so cute! I can't believe he is getting so big!
ReplyDeleteOh mama! I feel you! While my Mason isn't quite there yet, just thinking about him being old enough to go to kindergarten makes me want to cry big ugly tears. Sometimes I tear up just thinking about him being 3 so soon! Wasn't it yesterday he was my sweet little BABY??? It makes me so happy to see him grow up into the caring little boy he's become, but seriously.
ReplyDeleteMason looks so cute in his pictures. These are going to be amazing memories for forever! So sweet they take graduation pictures!
These photos are adorable! You have a cute little boy there!
Jeans and a Teacup
That is soooo sweet!!! Look at that handsome boy! Love to hear that the teachers are so great :)))
ReplyDeleteYou have soooo much will power ugly cry and all I would've been digging into those photos heheh
That being said I'm considering my 3rd cupcake of the day so anyone with any will power would have more will power than I. Lolol
Bittersweet for sure! He is so cute in his cap and gown. I will be a mess when this time comes!
ReplyDeleteHe is all sorts of precious! It's so wonderfully, painful to watch them grow...if that makes any sense. We want them to grow up and just be awesome people but dang it happens so quickly!
ReplyDeleteWhat great teachers! I hope we find somewhere just like that for Ez when it's time for him to go to school. Those pics are adorable, but yeah, bittersweet because he looks like a little man.
ReplyDeleteMarcus starts preschool this fall, and I can't even think about it. And the graduation? No. Make it stop.
ReplyDeleteBut those pictures, holy adorable!
Can't believe that time has come. Whoa.
ReplyDeleteOur boys are growing way too fast and Kindergarten is right around the corner for us Mamas.
The pictures are precious. I can not wait to show Dav's....
Omg. We ordered zander's on CD. I just can't. Like the kinder roundup last night and these. I'm done. Thus mama is losing it. Lol. But Mason looks so darn cute in the cap and gown. I think at the kinder roundup they said they would be class of 2028!!! Eeek
ReplyDeleteThose are adorable - You will cherish those forever :)
ReplyDeletemy son graduated HS last year so I know how fast it goes lol