{It's the Little Things - week 15 // Mother's Day crafts}

Happy Wednesday friends!

Linking up with Jess and Ashley for It's the Little Things - week Fifteen! 


Mason missed a couple of days at school last week due to a sinus infection. More importantly, he missed the days they were making Mother's Day crafts at school. My heart was a little sad for both he and I. I know that he loves doing that kind of stuff and he loves "giving" and I was sad that I wouldn't have any cute little crafts to cry over! Truth! 

Mother's Day weekend came and went and it was the start of a new week. Mason went to school and when I picked him up I saw his teacher putting some things in his backpack. When we got home I completely forgot about it and actually didn't check his backpack until about 9pm that night.

And that's when I found these....

His teacher was so sweet to let him do this even though Mother's Day had passed! It made my heart so happy. 

I especially love that he wrote his own name. He's getting better at it every day! Goodness I just love this boy. {and his school and teacher too}


  1. Oh my gosh! This is so sweet!!!

  2. 'Let's me play with her phone cases'. Ha! So cute. :)

  3. 'lets me do good stuff' and 'lets me play with her phone cases' oh that is just the best! I LOVE that his teacher let him do belated mother's day crafts. Super sweet all around =)


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!