{Day 17...favorite photo}

Day 17, Friday: A favorite photo of yourself and why

Right now these are my favorite photos...

Almost every afternoon after school we hang out on the front porch and just talk and play and take a million pictures. It's my favorite time of the day. And in the two pictures above I actually see similarities in our looks! He usually only ever looks like his Daddy. 


  1. Oh gosh he is perfect. And you, my dear, are stunning!


  2. So sweet! I have like 3000 pictures of AJ and I swear some days I think I should have taken more. I just can't get enough!

  3. your hair is so puuuuurty!! i love these pictures of you two that you take everyday. you should get a book made of all of them every year to watch both of you change in little ways. you are gorgeous and that boy is going to be a heartbreaker!

  4. I see you in his eyes. Haha what did he have all over his face? Oh and your outfit looks super cute!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!