{10 ON THE 10TH}

I finally remembered to take 10 pictures on the 10th!! I set an alarm that morning so that I wouldn't forget! The first few pictures will probably look similar to my last 10 on the 10th post because my mornings start out the same each day! I love my time outside with just me and God!

{O N E} Watering my plants & flowers // 

{T W O} Getting ready for my Bible study //

Each day I fill in my Gratitude Journal for the day before, read my devotional, and then follow my Bible studies with the She Reads Truth app. Right now I am doing the Women & Men in the Word: New Testament (which is the current community study) and I am doing Revelation on my own.

{T H R E E} New outdoor bluetooth speaker //

Mason and I were in Five Below yesterday and found a section of bluetooth speakers. He got one for his room and I found this cute one for my patio! It matches my decor out there pretty good and it's so adorable. And? It works really good! It's small, but packs a big sound! Now I can listen to my worship music while doing my Bible study outside each morning!

{F O U R} Pulling weeds //

Work slowed down in the late afternoon so I went out to the porch to pull weeds. I left my door open so I could hear my phone and I had my phone to notify me of any new emails. It was well over 100 degrees, so I didn't last too long! But, I got a lot done.

{F I V E} Dentist appointments //

Nathan & Mason both had dentist appointments that day. They spent most of the day doing that! Mason did really well and we were so proud of him. He got a milkshake after the appointment. I missed them so I was excited when they pulled into the drive! I didn't even let Mason get out of the Jeep before I was hugging him and taking his picture. haha!

{S I X} Building shelves //

After we built our shelves in our garage we had a friend that wanted to do the same. He lives in an apartment but has a garage space. They made the shelves here so they could use all of Nate's tools and so they wouldn't bother anyone at the apartments. The shelves turned out great.

{S E V E N} Mason learning a new dance

He wanted to learn some new shuffle. I snuck this picture! ha

{E I G H T} Sunset //

We joined these same friends for a late supper and on the way there we saw an amazing sunset!

{N I N E} Supper at Osuba //

We ate at a hibachi/sushi place. We were walking to our seats because Freddie and Gabbie got there before us and we were abruptly stopped! They had to take our temperature before we entered the dining area. That was a first for us! The food was amazing and the company was great.

{T E N} Bahama Bucks //

We capped off the night with snowcones at Bahama Bucks! They have amazing snowcones.

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