Mason's absolute favorite movie right now is Polar Express. The boy loves trains, so it's no wonder he loves the movie. I bought him the dvd off Amazon and a week later he lost it somehow in the transfer from the living room to his bedroom. We are on our 2nd dvd of the movie now. I'd say we've watched it no less than a dozen and a half times in the last 3.5 weeks. Which is a lot for someone that normally doesn't like to watch t.v.
So, Sunday night we took a one hour drive to Grapevine, TX to take Mason on the North Pole Express. It was a complete blast. Mason has been once before, but he was just 6.5ish months old. I know he doesn't remember it, but I certainly do. I cried like a big baby. It was just so magical. It was my baby's first Christmas and the "feeling" {post coming on that soon} of Christmas returned to his daddy, Nana and me.
Getting ready to leave for Grapevin |
This year was just as great. Mason was much more involved and excited about what was going on. He wore some cute little Christmas pajamas and a festive Christmas hat. The anticipation of the train ride and seeing Santa was shown on his sweet little face from the moment we got there.
The first thing he did was ride the little ride on toys they have sectioned off. What did he choose? Thomas the Train, of course.
He played for a while and then we noticed that you could take pictures with Santa in one of the buildings. So, we headed that way. Again, Mason was so excited and not the least bit scared of Santa. He was so anxious in line and kept asking, "is it my turn now?" And when the kid in front of him climbed off Santa's lap Mason didn't hesitate one moment and took off running to Santa. It was the sweetest and cutest thing!
Mason and Santa had a good chat and we bought the outrageous $20 picture package for (3) 4x6 - 2 of them had their logos plastered all over it. But, It was worth it to see Mason so excited about Santa. After Santa we walked around and took a few more pictures.
Mason rode the rides for a little more until it was time to go into the tent for the pre-show. They let you in a good 30 minutes before the show actually needless to say there are a lot of anxious, restless kids! Mason being one of them. They played clips of various different Christmas movies on the big screen while we waited.
Classic! |
Finally the show started and they sang a few Christmas songs and put on a little skit. Mason says, "Mommy, I want to go on stage and sing." I'm sure if I would have said yes he would have gone right on up there! I love that he's so fearless!!!
After a 15 or so minute show a conductor came out and said a few lines off the movie. Mason's eyes lit up and he knew that it was time! They started boarding the train, but of course we were the last section to go! We found our seats and the train was off!
The conductor came by and punched all the kids tickets. Mason was excited because it was just like the show.
Santa came out and the train went crazy! Mason was screaming "Hi Santa"!! Santa made his way down the train and people were pulling him right and left to take pictures. And somewhere in that chaos he skipped right over Mason. It made me so sad! Luckily, Uncle T-Ty was in the row in front of us and directed him back to Mason. He gave Mason an awesome Christmas bell and Mase was pretty excited. He wouldn't even look at the camera he was so focused on the bell!
We had such a great time! I love seeing the excitement on Mason's face. I think this will be a yearly tradition with the Hall family. Nate's mom talked about making a weekend out of it next year and staying at the Gaylord! I can't wait...
The next morning Mason told me, "Mommy, I wanna go back to the Polar Express. It was so bunch of fun. I so essited for Christmas."
- I think it's safe to say he loved it!!!
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ahhh this is so cute!! Thanks for sharing!! I am going to tell my sister about this, my niece will be the perfect age next year (and I can bring my kiddos in the future!)
ReplyDeleteSo so cute! I love that all these towns do the polar express, it was so fun for us and created the best memories and I'm sure for you as well! He's so adorable! I wish I would've prepared my oldest a little more by watching the movie because she didn't realize all the details were from it :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Tuesday!
Aw!! I loved seeing these pics on instagram but now I love them even more!! He is so cute. Girl I threw Down $46 to get a 5x7 of Teale with Santa and a digital album so I could get the other 5 shots they took and have copyright release to print them as I wanted. Ridiculous, but it will be such a great memory!! I love Nathan's faces in the pics, he looks just as excited as Mason!
ReplyDeleteMaking a weekend out of it next year would be great! I don't live too far from Grapevine (& we're there pretty often since that's where my in-laws live) and they have so much Christmas stuff! The downtown area is full of it! I was watching TV one morning and there was a whole WFAA special on all there is to offer for families at Christmas time in Grapevine! No kiddos for us yet, but I can already tell you it will be a tradition for us!
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a Merry Christmas!