{Bringing back that Christmas feeling}

Before we had Mason things were different this time of year. Christmas just didn't exactly "feel" like Christmas. I guess it was just another sign of us getting older. Not that we didn't celebrate the true meaning of Christmas...that was never lost. Just the whole "magical" feeling of Christmas went wayward over the years. 
I missed that feeling. Longed for it.

Then we had Mason.

And the enchanting feeling of Christmas came back and in a whole new way. It's so amazing to see "Christmas" through his eyes and each year just gets better and better.

He is 2.5 now and he's starting to get the whole Christmas thing. It's so much fun. Anything that has lights he adds "Christmas" before it. Like driving home from school we saw a truck with running lights on the top - Mason says, "Look Mommy, it's a Christmas truck." 
I know. Cute, right?

He makes me so so so excited for the holidays. 


  1. ♥ Dav makes me very excited for the holidays. I am so excited for Tuesday morning. Everyday Daven walks by our fake Santa saying...Ho Ho Ho, Santa's coming Mommy! ♥
    Priceless-innocent fun with these toddlers we have.

    I can't wait to see what Mason gets! :)

  2. So true!! Toddlers def' make Christmas special again! Even when they think the wrapping paper is the most interesting thing!

  3. Aw!!! That is SO cute! Christmas truck, awe. Still love that hat!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!