{6 years!!}

Dear Nathan,

Today marks 6 years of wedded bliss for us!!! I knew when I met you that I was going to marry you someday!! I remember telling that to all of my girlfriends and them thinking I was completely insane! But, I just knew. And look at us. Here we are 16 years later, 6 years of marriage, one beautiful baby boy and we are happier and more in love than ever. Thank you for giving me such an amazing life and for loving me the way you do.

I love you to the moon and back a gazillion times over.

Date night here we come...


  1. such a precious picture, Happy Anniversary! Have fun on your date!

  2. So sweet! Happy Anniversary to you both!!

  3. Aw, happy anniversary!!!!! 16 years together, that's amazing! Have fun tonight! :)

  4. Happy Anny to a beautiful couple!!!! I hope your weekend has been wonderful!!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Hope you have a fantastic weekend! Xo


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!