{Ranger Game}

A couple Saturday's ago {6/23} Hubbs and I had a date...to the Ranger game!
We wanted to take Mason - but the game was at 2:00pm
and our seats had ZERO shade.
But awesome.
We were so close to the field and the players.
We had so much fun.
Pretty sure I came home with a gazillion pictures of Napoli, though.
My excuse?
He was the closest one to us.
The Rangers lost {boo}!
But it was a good game.
Rangers were down 0-8 for the first 4 or so innings and made a heck of a come back.
But lost - 7-11.
Dang those Colorado Rockies!!
One of the greatest places on Earth!

Nolan Ryan!

Nah-po-lee, Nah-po-lee, Nah-po-lee!!!!

Haha, welcome to the team fellas!



Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!