I was not sure how to post this and have been contemplating it all day. 1 blog about the BIG weekend we had, 2 blogs, 3 blogs...and after much deliberation I am going to split it up into 3 parts. Mainly because of the fact that I will be turning this blog into a "Baby Book" for Mason's 1st year and I want to be able to identify the "milestones" when that time comes!! So, anyhow...moving on.
Pictures that is! It was a 149 picture kind of weekend, to say the least. We had a really wonderful weekend. (I'm going to skip around the BIG parts and put those in separate emails).
Friday Nate and Mason hung out with Uncle Scooter and Aunt Leslie. That evening we all went to dinner (Nate, Mason, Mom, Dad, Les, Scooter, Tanner and I) at Chili's. YUM! Love that place. They were having their 2 for $20 special...all the girls got the same thing and all the guys got the same thing. I think we were all satisfied. Mason got Apples & Chicken and Sweet potatoes. :) He was reaching for our food left and right, but sadly we couldn't share. Have to wait until he gets those chompers in! After dinner we went back to the Halls to visit the Moores.
Saturday morning came really early for us. We had to get up at 6am in order to get ready for Mason's photo session in Downtown Grapevine. We picked up Nana and headed out around 6:50ish. It was SO cold that morning, so Mason had rosey red cheeks and nose! It was hard getting him to smile for the pictures. He was sitting on fake snow, so he kept looking down at it. Not to mention all the fabulous props around him. :) He did really good until the Santa Claus part. Well, he even did well for that until he had to look at Santa. That bottom lip came out and he started crying!! It was bittersweet!!! His first experience with Santa. :) We really loved the location of the pictures and want to go back for family portraits. Lots of rustic -goodness. After pictures we went to breakfast at Whataburger...then to visit this fabulous place (we had to kill some time before the Mall opened:
Great Wolf Lodge!!
It was so neat to finally see the place. We've heard a lot about it, but have never been there. I have a feeling we'll be going back when Mason gets a little older. Nana called Papa and told him to start saving his money! LOL!
After visiting the GW Lodge we headed to Grapevine Mills Mall to do some Christmas shopping. Like 7 hours of shopping! It was fun. And Mason is so awesome when it comes to stuff like that. He's such a TROOPER and is just along for the ride. I love that boy so much!
Sunday we headed to breakfast at Javier's as we normally do on Sundays. The special must have been too enticing because we headed back over for lunch! Turkey & Dressing was the special. YUM! Mason fell asleep on the way home from breakfast, so Nana kept him for a couple hours while Mommy and Daddy did our weekly Target run. Mason slept for almost 2 hours!! The rest of the day was pretty much a family/hang out day. After lunch we played with Mason for a while until he got sleepy again. I cuddled up on the couch with him so that he could nap and I caught up on my dvr'd shows. Daddy piddled around outside. For dinner we had a very healthy meal:
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