{2015 Christmas Bucketlist // Visit with Santa}

Sweet Turtle Soup

Mason has gotten to visit with Santa twice already this year already.  And we'll add another 2 visits before this week is over. I love that my sweet boy gets lots of Santa time.

I love to see everyone's pictures of their littles visiting Santa. You never know how they are going to react. And I personally love the crying photos. I don't know why, but they are precious and hilarious. Mason never really gave us one of those gems...he's always been a big fan of Santa {and other characters}. This is the closest we ever got...

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His very first Christmas at just 6 months old. And just moments before he was totally fine. I guess he just didn't like Santa lifting him over his head. haha! Oh my sweet little bald baby!

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Our first Santa visit for 2015 was on our Polar Express train ride. What better way to visit with Santa then on the Polar Express? He was so kind to Mason! I didn't get the best of pictures because the lighting was horrible and I only had my phone. Bummer. But, at least we got one. Mason was so sweet and asked "Santa, would you please take a picture with me?" It was so, so, so sweet.

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Our 2nd visit was our traditional picture with Santa at Bass Pro Shop. We love this one! They give you a 4x6 print for free, but you can order more if you want. The background is always so pretty at this location!! And, they let you take pictures with your own camera too. Most places do not allow this at all. We learned our lesson last year to go earlier in the day and earlier in the year. Last year we got there an hour or two after Santa's line opened (10-11 am) and our ticketed time was for 7pm. There was no way we could kill all of those hours! And we live too far to leave and come back. This time we got there at 10:45ish and our ticketed time was 12. Very doable!

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Another item checked off of our 2015 Christmas Bucketlist!!

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Friday Santa is coming to Mason's school. He will bring each child a book and take a picture with them. I can't wait to see it! And then Saturday we have our annual breakfast with Santa event with our really good friends! Can't wait.

Tell me about your Santa experience(s).


  1. OMG, how insane that your ticketed time was 7 pm... Glad this year was more doable!!! And I love that Mason is so into Santa! How old is he?

  2. hahaha7pm. Well that is definitely worse than our 3 hour wait. No thanks Santa! But at least you knew for this year. I knew and still we were late, so maybe next year I'll be less slow on the way out the door. Loving the reindeer in the background, that's super fun!

  3. Wow, way to find the Holy Grail of Santa's Mason's first Christmas!!! I am beyond impressed lol.

  4. Love those Santa photos! The one on the train is super sweet but the one at bass pro is awesome! Love that they let you take your own photos!! Can't wait to see how the other two visits go!

  5. I love that you are taking so many trips to see Santa! And those photos from the first year are so so sweet!

  6. Oh my gosh!! Mason is a rockstar with Santa! He takes the best pictures. I love that you guys are going to see him so much :)
    LOVE that baby photo of Mason with Santa! I love his little bald head and those sweet red shoes!

  7. Oh those first Santa photos are just so sweet. Santa at Bass Pro is always a super fun time. We did that with the girls one time when we just happened to be in Springfield and there randomly.

    Love the photos. I really need to dig up ALL the Santa photos through the years. That would be a fun post to do sometime.

  8. Santa at Bass Pro Shop?? What a great idea! Good for the kids and hubbys!! He did such a great job. Love the pic with the reindeer!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!