{Christmas 2015 Photo Challenge // Recap #1}

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A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on
A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

A photo posted by >>> Crystal <<< (@hallaroundtexas) on

Are you following along with this challenge? Or perhaps a different one? Photos around this time of year are my absolute favorite.


  1. I've loved seeing your daily photos on Instagram! Getting so much inspiration from you! And I know you've shared before, but how do you get the actual Instagram photo set up to show in your post?

  2. Love your pictures! You have that background lighting perfect!


  3. Grinch's lair sounds so fun!! Too bad the tree lighting was a bust, but sounds like you guys made up the fun in other areas. And that is a bummer, having to put away all the hundreds of toys... Ha! Sounds like a familiar battle.

  4. You are officially queen of the bokeh. I LOVE them all. Are you doing anything special to get the hexagon shape of the lights?!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!