{Snake hunters}

It's that time of year...
Snake season.
The thought alone makes me cringe.

Last night {4/24/12} Daddy and Mason went "snake hunting".
Say what?
Was Mason the least bit afraid?
Not a single ounce.
This boy has no fear, I tell ya.
And that?
Terrifies me.

Also, Everyday when we get home Mason jumps out of the car and runs straight for his little playground.
I keep telling him to wait so that Mama can make sure there are no snakes first...
But does that stop him? No?

Then again I'm not sure what I'd do if I saw one...
Probably scream, run in the house, lock us both in, jump on the couch {cuz that will save us, right??} and scream some more until Daddy gets home!


  1. I love how Mason is watching his Daddy!! Will is the same way, no fear what so ever!! We've been at our house for nearly 3 years and I've never seen a snake until about a month ago, I found a snake skin on our front porch and I am so afraid that Will is going to find the snake!!!

  2. I. HATE. SNAKES. And I make Masyn & Haden wait for me to check the yard too! Several people in our neighborhood have killed rattlesnakes this year already. Freaks me OUT.


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!