Day four of our trip {January 18th} was my birthday! We had a fun adventure planned for the day and couldn't wait! We tried to sleep in as much as we could so that it would be closer to time for our adventure, but that didn't work for me. I woke up naturally around 7 am every day of the trip. I did hang out in bed for a while, though!
We just hung out at the cabin for the first part of the day. We cooked breakfast, opened birthday gifts, and then got all of our snow gear ready! It was finally time for...
S N O W M O B I L I N G!!!!!!
But not before we took some drone photos first! We really wanted to bring the drone with us on the Snowmobiles, but wasn't sure how we would manage that one!
We have been on many adventures, but snowmobiling was something that none of us had ever done before! Our whole group joined in on the adventure, so that was exciting. Nate booked a two-seater since Mason wasn't old enough to drive, Nate's parents had a two-seater, and the Moores had a two-seater. I was the only solo one! That made me a bit nervous since I had never driven one before. I assumed it was much like a jet ski and it really was.
We had to be there an hour early to pay, get suited up, get sized for a helmet, etc. Mason brought snow goggles and Nate and I rented some! There was a chance for snow and we wanted to be prepared.
We had a quick little briefing session where they went over how to operate the snowmobiles, what to do if you tip or hang a ski, etc. They told us we would have a 30-minute tour up the mountain to a look-out, then over to a meadow where we would have over 2 hours of free time. I was so surprised at how trusting they were with their machinery and how much freedom they gave us.
Nate let Mason pick out their 2-seater and I found a 1-seater next to them. Nate and Mason were the 2nd snowmobile back on the left lane and I was the first in the right lane. That made me want to puke! I was so nervous!! But, once I took off I realized there was nothing to be nervous about. It was a BLAST!!!
We got to the lookout point and took some pictures. It was so beautiful and you could see all of the mountain ranges so well.
Nate saw all of these pictures and said, "Dang, it kind of looks like we know what we are doing!" haha! I mean...
Hubba Hubba!! :)
After the look-out, we started heading over to the other side of the mountain. There they went over the rules of our free time and told us what to watch for (frozen lakes and such). Then they let us loose! By the time I made it back to my snowmobile, Nate and Mason were GONE! I had to go find them! But, it wasn't too hard. I had a feeling Nate would take Mason to the sledding hill! And he sure did.

About an hour into the free time I saw Nathan driving slow and holding back for Mason's sake. I traded him snowmobiles so that he could go out and have fun on the one-seater! It was much faster than the two-seaters and such a blast! I was sore from holding on!! Mason and I just cruised and had a good ol' time.
We had such an incredible time and didn't want the day to end!!
That evening we lit another fire, cooked some amazing steaks, and played some card games. It started snowing around 6pm that night and was projected to snow for over 24 hours. It was one of the best birthdays I've had in a long time!!
Day 1 // here
Day 2 // here
Day 3 // here
Day 5...coming up next!
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