{No Boundaries Jeep Crew Texas Chapter Meet // January 2020}

On January 25th we went to our first Jeep event of the year! It was a customer appreciation at an off-road shop, but they also hosted the first meet-up for the NBJC Texas chapter. We convoyed with some of our friends to the event. It's always fun traveling in Jeep groups!!

At the event they grilled burgers, held raffles, and even had a small off-road course behind the shop. None of our group did the course, though! It was a major mud pit and we all agreed that we hate washing mud off our Jeeps. ha! It was fun to watch, though!

We didn't win any raffles, but had a good time hanging out with our friends! Looking forward to many more events this year.

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Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!