{TKBTB // November}

Ten months ago some of my sweet blog friends and I started the Kids Behind the Blog series. It's been one of my favorites ever since. The things that kids say never ceases to amaze me. So, I love putting them on the spot each month and having them answer a few questions. And it gives me a chance to learn a little more about my friend's little(s). I just love it. If you're new to this link-up you can find all of the details here. I hope you will join my co-hosts {Stephanie, Meghan, Jessica and Beth} and I and link-up with us. This month's questions are Thanksgiving/election {but only a little} themed.

November's Questions

1.) What are 3 things you are thankful for?
You, Dad and Diesel. And God and Jesus. 

2.) What is your favorite food served at Thanksgiving Dinner?
Sweet bread.

3.) If you could be President for a day what would you do?
Tell everyone to go to a waterpark.
Me - what else?
Mase - that's it.
Me - Mase, if you were president for a day you could do just about anything you wanted.
Mase - annnnything? Okay. I would build a mansion and keep it forever. Not just for that one day. Forever.

4.) How many feathers does a turkey have?
Mase - really? That's the question?
Me - Yep!
Mase - Really? Really?
Me - Yes bud, it's one of the questions for this month.
Mase - okay. My guess is 145. Is that right? How many do they really have?
Me - that was a great answer and I bet there is one turkey out there somewhere that has 145 feathers. 
Mase - cool!

5.) Who is your favorite relative to see during the holidays?
You and Dad and my cousins. 

Remaining dates for this year:
December 14th

Questions for December:
 We have 10 questions for December. You can ask your child(ren) all or pick and choose some.

1.) Which Reindeer is your favorite?
2.) What do you want for Christmas?
3.) What would you do if you caught Santa at your house?
4.) What if Santa got stuck in your chimney?
5.) Do you want it to snow on Christmas? Why or why not?
6.) Have you been naughty or nice this year? Why?
7.) If Santa asked you to fly in his sleigh with him would you do it?
8.) What is your favorite Christmas movie?
9.) If you could change the color of Rudolph's nose what color would you make it?
10.) Sing me one Christmas carol. (Then note which song they pick and how they sing it. This could be funny because kids are always mixing up lyrics.)

Grab our button and link-up with us!
Hall Around Texas The Kids Behind the Blog

Hall Around Texas


  1. I love Mason's answer for what he'd do as president. If only it worked that way buddy. And what he's thankful for is so sweet.

  2. These interviews are so fun! I love that he would go to a waterpark and build a mansion if he were president! Sounds like a great idea! :)

  3. His response to the feather question was AWESOME! I mean, I loved all of his answers, but that one. Baha ha ha ha!!!!

  4. Love his answer to the question about the turkey feathers!

  5. My favorite linkup! XOXO I love his answer to the turkey feather question. He's too cute!

  6. Another month of adorable answers! These posts are always so sweet!

  7. Mason is just the sweetest thing. You are doing such a good job Mama :)

  8. I love that he didn't believe the turkey feathers was a real question! And sweet bread sounds amazing... Please share a recipe for your northern friends!

  9. This boy is on to something. 145 feathers it is!

  10. I NEED to know- what is sweet bread?! It sounds delish! Mason has my heart forever :)

  11. Sweet bread?! YUM. Is he referring to those Hawaiian sweet rolls? Because if so, I'm totally coming to your house for Thanksgiving!

  12. Are you really not going to tell us how many feathers a turkey has??? I'm dying to know!!!

  13. I'm not sure I've had sweet bread, but it sounds delicious!
    And 145 feathers sounds right to me. ;)

  14. Using your one day to have a great place to live forever? SMART BOY!

  15. The feather question - HILARIOUS! Something tells me you have to think fast a lot with that kid ;)

  16. Bahaha!! I mean a waterpark sounds fun! or a mansion... ;)

  17. Darn it, I missed it again. Thank you all for hosting <3


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!