{Cub Scouts // Hike}

I mentioned in an earlier post that Mason had joined Cub Scouts. I am sure some of you are wondering what happened to karate? In my post on Whitney's Mommylogues Series I shared that Mason has ADHD and with that he tends to not want to finish things that he starts. Once he starts playing a sport he feels like he is 'done' with it after the first game. So, after a month and a half of going to karate four days a week he didn't want to go back anymore. It broke my heart because I know that he loved it. He still walks around doing all of the karate moves that he learned...all day everyday. But, we weren't going to make him go. It makes it too miserable on all of us when he puts up a battle and cries to not go. And that's how we wound up in Cub Scouts. A representative came to Mason's school and talked to them about it. He came home with the flyer and asked us if he could sign up. He was so excited about it. We've had 6 meetings/activities since he started and so far he is really enjoying it. I have faith this might be the one thing he sticks with more long term. We only meet once a week on Sundays after church unless there is a weekend activity. His cousin just joined the 4th graders, so that is a bonus for Mason.

At the 2nd meeting Mason learned all about First Aid and made a first aid kit! He also learned Nathan's cell phone number after Nate only telling him a couple of times. His memory amazes me.

Our 3rd meet-up was for a hike at a nature preserve. We met at the den a bit before our normal meeting time on Sunday and then followed each other to the preserve. We broke into two groups - the 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders together in one group and then the 4th graders in another group. The idea behind that was that the 4th graders were there to get their badge for a 3 mile hike. They were going to take on a longer and harder trail while the younger guys took on an easier and shorter hike. Only that didn't happen. We ended up hiking over 4 miles on one of the harder trails! I'm no Cub Scouts leader, but I am pretty sure our boys deserved a badge for that hike! We hiked over a mile longer than the 4th graders! And it wasn't easy. But, we had a good time.

I mean, how cute is my little Tiger Scout with his hat, hiking boots and walking stick? I couldn't get over his adorable-ness! Can't wait to see what other adventures the Cub Scouts brings us! There was a TENT camping trip this past weekend and I can't wait to blog about  it.

The Tiger Scouts did end up getting a badge for hiking! I'm so glad because they all deserved it. Those boys were tough and hiked that hard trail with minimal complaints!


  1. So happy he is liking cub scouts! Little kids in their uniforms kill me, too cute.

  2. Yay for cub scouts! This seems like something right up your family's alley! I foresee many more fun times, and hikes, in your future. :)

  3. So many good photos to memorialize this!! Go Mason!

  4. Mason and his walking stick just slayed me. We also share the same water bottle ;) Im so happy Mason is enjoying Cub Scouts- the activities are so varied and new every week that he should stay stimulated and engaged for a long while.

  5. What a cute little explorer!!! Mason looks adorable in his uniform. It sounds like Cub Scouts is right up Mason's alley (and yours and Nate's) :)

  6. I totally think this is the one that will stick. It just seems like it is so perfect for him and for y'all. I think its great to expose kids to lots of things and let them pick what they love. Cub scouts just being once a week is perfect too.

  7. I think my 4th grader just did his hiking experience too! Simon has a meeting on Sunday - not sure what they'll be doing though!

  8. Ahhh he looks so handsome in his cub scouts uniform!! I'm so glad he loves it! I didn't even see a flyer come home from Brayden's school but I guess one did because it has already started. I kind of wish we did it now, it just seems like a little boys right of passage!

  9. Mason looks like the perfect boy scout! Love this!

  10. This looks like such a wonderful way to explore and discover. I bet Mason is loving Cub Scouts and the exploring the state of TX.

  11. He is so cute and official looking in his uniform and hiking gear! I'd definitely let him lead me on a hike!

  12. Mason is so precious! As much as you all are outdoors, I'm sure this is right up his alley! Sean was in boy scouts and I can't wait for Wyatt to begin!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!