{Five on Friday // Mason's parade, Snapchat, }

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Oh Friday...hey you pretty little thing you! I am so happy to see you. This has been a long & trying week and I am so ready to put it behind us!! 

1.) In case you missed it...posts from this week:

Currently & a catch-up post
Dreaming about Fall
Instagram Round-up
My Instagram editing sytle

2.)  In my Currently post I talked about my mom's recent diagnosis with Hyperthyroidism. She went to the endocrinologist appt on Monday and found out that she had been on the wrong medication for 6 days. The physician she saw prescribed mom with an rx for hypothyroidism rather than hyperthyroidism (total opposite) and it was actually making mom feel worse. She is now on the right medication and starting to fee better. Praise Jesus! She will take this prescription for 6 weeks and then recheck her levels. And once she's feeling better she will need a biopsy. Continued prayers for her, please!

I go next Thursday to get my thyroid checked. It's hereditary and my mom and 2 of her siblings have thyroid problems so it's time I get tested. 

3.) Mason and I have been reading the Duck Commander Devotions for Kids and we are almost done with it. All the tears. We have truly loved this devotional and it's one that Mason 'gets' and can relate to. I am having trouble finding one with the same format; scripture, a story of how it relates in real life, a prayer and an activity. Do you have any suggestions? 

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4.) Mason had a Red, White and Blue Parade on Wednesday and it was the absolute cutest! Tiny little PreK and Kinders marching around waiving their flags high and chanting U-S-A! Theeee cutest!!!

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5.) Do you Snapchat? If so, leave me your username in the comments. Mine is below:

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Happy Friday friends! Have a great weekend!!!


  1. I will be praying for your mom. I have hyperthyroidism I know exactly what she is going through. I had to go to several dr before they could figure out what was going on..

  2. Poor Momma! While medical hiccups happen, it's tough to be the one who they are happening to. Hopefully she is feeling better ASAP. I just added you to Snap. Be prepared for ridiculous photos of me and Connor :)

  3. Sending lots of love and prayers to your mama. I can't believe that they put her on the wrong rx! What?!?! Now that she's on the right one, though, I hope she starts to feel better. Lots of prayers to you, too that this is something you won't have to deal with. I can't imagine. Your little guy is the cutest in his red, white & blue, waving his flag & rocking those star sunnies!!

    And I added you on snapchat! georgiapeachy82

    Happy Friday!!!

  4. Hoping your health results come back normal. So glad your mom is doing better. That's such a scary thing to go through. Those parade pics are adorable! Love the star glasses.

  5. What a cute little parade for the kiddos. Praying for your mama and that you testing goes well dear.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. I would LOVE to hear what you use snapchat before. I totally thought it was a teeny bopper thing, but it sounds like a bunch of bloggers are using it now -- and I am confused haha

  7. I can't believe they had your mom on the wrong medication for so long. That is terrible. I'm so glad she is starting to feel better now. Your kiddo is adorable. No snapchat for me....yet.

  8. Praying for your mom continues to get better, as well as good test results for you.
    That little parade looks like it was so much fun for the kids!!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. So glad they figured out what was wrong and your mama is on the mend! Thinking of you next week when you go get yours tested!
    Also, pretty sure I am too old to understand Snapchat so I don't have one... yet. LOL. I say I'll never get one but I'll probably cave and get one!

  10. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your mom's medication mix up! I hope she is on the upswing soon!


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!