{The end of an Era}

I've been on somewhat of an unplanned blogging hiatus. Life happened. I always seem to forget just how busy this time of year truly is. Add in closing down your office and starting a new home office and you have yourself a whirlwind of a time.

Today is my last day of coming to this cute little office. It feels like the day before a big vacation. The anticipation is getting the best of me...but the minutes just creep by...


Our office is on top of Lucia

My last hour + commute {each way} every day. I'm trading that in for a farm road where a tractor or two might be my only traffic.

I'm not complaining! I am actually looking forward to this new chapter in my life. A new season, if you will. It will be an adjustment not seeing/talking to someone in flesh between the hours of 8-4, but I think I could adjust!!

I've had a lot of people ask me if Mason will stay in school. Yes. He will still go to school each day. I actually do have to work and take phone calls. And school is good for Mason. He learns so much. And it's good for him to be around kids his age. He will go in later and get picked up earlier though, now that I do not have to commute. And, he will more than likely be at home on Fridays because Nate is off most Fridays unless he works overtime. So that will be a treat. And if I get super busy then Mase and Nate can get out and do things. Boy stuff.

I am so thankful this is all happening before Winter. Because this Mama and icy roads do not mix. They terrify the stuff out of me. I am grateful to not have to get out on those days anymore. Oh, and being able to stay in my pajamas and curl up with a warm blanket and some good coffee!

I'll be back to blogging regularly soon. Thursday is Mason's annual "Fall" carnival at school. And this weekend we are heading to Jelly StonePark for the Fall Fiesta adventure camping trip! Oh and I still need to post about the Pumpkin Patch.

What have you guys been up to lately?


  1. I am turning in my 2 weeks on Monday!!! Yes to staying in jammies all day. Hopefully I find the motivation to at least look decent for Chris a couple days a week! haha Oh and so thankful I don't have to drive when the roads get bad. We have had horrible fog lately and that is bad enough!

  2. Good luck in your new endeavor! I hope you like working from home! I wish I could get so lucky, haha.

  3. Yay! Such a great new endeavor. I LOVE working from home I have for the last 8 years and it's fabulous. You adjust to not actually "seeing" people :) Ha! Good Luck! Have fun this weekend. xo

  4. OH MY GOODNESS! How exciting for you and I can't wait to see the pics of your office once it's finally finished.

  5. I've been on a hiatus as well, I'm happy to be back into reading blogs, I saw your ig post and instantly got excited for you to be working at home!!!! (But your office is so charming!) that extra hour both ways is going to make a HUGE difference I'm sure! I can't wait to hear about your new home office and photos of course! Enjoy your new journey, take your time with your blog and enjoy your life mama! I'm so excited for you!!!!

  6. Love the new blog design and name, hope you new adventure goes great I know it will and you will love it

  7. How exciting! Good Luck to you! Super jealous of you getting to work in your pjs! :)

  8. How exciting! What is your career if I may ask?


Thanks for the comments! Hope you are having an amazing day!!