1.) Five things that happened this week:
- I made my bed 5 (M-F) days this week. I'm really making an effort to do this each day.
- I baked a delicious strawberry cake.
- Mason got to go on a field trip. Though I was a nervous wreck, (school buses stress me out) I was excited and happy for him!
- Mason got out of school early on Thursday making this mama heart so happy!
- I made 16 pairs of new earrings. I thought of some new ideas and I couldn't stop!!
2.) Five things that made me smile this week:
- Mason seeing me pull into the car pick-up line at school while out on the playground and ran to the fence to give me a very excited greeting! He gave up his swing to come say hi to me. There are far fewer swings than there are kids, so you know hard it is to come by one!
- Seeing a note in Mason's backpack that said he had a random early release on Thursday!
- Hearing from Mason's church teacher that Mason was "AWESOME" in class!
- Mason telling me to turn up the radio and then worshipped his little heart out to "Jesus music" as he calls it!
- How fiercely our Heavenly Father loves us. I see it in the every day, but I saw it so perfectly yesterday. Nathan, Mason and I haven't gotten to spend much time all together this week due to different circumstances, but Mason had early release on Thursday and Nate got off work early as well. The Lord just knew we needed that time together and he orchestrated it so beautifully!
3.) Five Instagram accounts that I love:
- Epic Family Road Trip - they are living my dream!
- Laurabird_k - her photography blows me away.
- PolkaDottyPlace - the cutest little mama that has the best ideas and recipes. She's just so cheerful and makes my heart happy!
- Cross Country Outlaws - these are actually our sweet and dear friends that we met in New Mexico last summer. They sold everything and are living full time in their RV. Oh, how I would love to do this!
- The Book of Mo - she lives in one of our favorite areas - Broken Bow and lives the total outdoors life. I love following along her adventures and taking notes of where we need to visit next time we are there.
4.) Five goals I have for February:
- Drink more water
- Dive deeper into God's word
- Eat less carbs. Like about 95% less. Each day. ha
- Keep these creative juices flowing
- Learn something new
5.) Five things I hope to do this weekend:
- go camping
- vlog
- shop at Canton first Monday
- relax
- Find some leather scraps for earring making
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