These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.
- John 15:11 (ESV)
Join Beth, Stephanie, Heather and I each month by simply choosing 5 things that are bringing joy to your life and make it a blog post about it. Link-up the post with us on the fourth Friday of every month. This makes it perfect for a Five on Friday post as well. Also, we will be choosing a guest host each month from those that linked up the previous month. Grab the graphic above and join us!
o n e | My sweet, sweet man! In all transparency, I've been struggling to find joy throughout this infertility journey. It's hard and really wore me down this month. This man has been my rock and is constantly pointing me to Jesus and reminding me of just how blessed I truly am. The joy he brings to my heart is immeasurable and I couldn't love him more if I tried.
t w o | Mason and sports! I know I've mentioned before that watching Mason play basketball has brought me joy lately, but it goes deeper than that. Mason has one more game of basketball left and then an end of season tournament. Then he goes straight into soccer with barely a break between. And he has asked to play football in the fall. He wanted to play baseball, but told us too late and we missed the sign-ups. And baseball and soccer are at the same time, so we'll do soccer this go 'round. And if he's still interested in baseball next spring we will give that a go! Mason made the comment the other day, "It's so cool how I went from being lazy to being sporty!" So dang cute! Anyhow, it has brought me immense joy to see Mason find his passions in life. He's obsessed with all things basketball right now and I can't wait to see if he is the same with soccer, football and baseball.
t h r e e | Mason's new room! We recently did a major over-haul in Mason's room. We got out over 8 large trashbags for donation, swapped out some furniture, started with a new theme, and bought a few new things. I wish I would have thought to take a before picture, but I didn't. And maybe that is a good thing, because y'all, it was overwhelming. Mason had a loft bed with a bed underneath and a queen sized air mattress (because he hated his beds) and way too many toys/junk in his room before. We purged all the things and brought in a twin sized headboard & frame we had stored in the garage. Mason chose a Minecraft theme so we bought Minecraft bedding, a framed poster for above his bed, a new nightstand, a new alarm clock to match and a few other Minecraft themed things. Anyhow, I mention all this to say that watching him fall in love with his bedroom all over again has brought us so much joy! He now has a space that he loves and is proud of and it's the best thing to see! He went from being afraid to even go in his room (saw a part of a scary movie at a relatives house that scarred him) to wanting to be in his room 24/7. We joke that he grew up with his room, but it's true. Since we have re-done his room he is eager to get to bed each night, wakes up to his own alarm, gets himself dressed for school in his room and makes his bed each morning. We have turned a new leaf and it's delightful!
f o u r | Making shirts! Oh how I love DIY'ing anything with my Cricut. We've had nothing but storms for the last 5 or so days and more to come. The gloominess has put me in such a blah mood, but crafting brings a little sunshine and joy to my world.
f i v e | Control! And because I always share a song, today I am sharing Control, Somehow you Want Me by Tenth Avenue North. Oh this song just pulls at my heartstrings and speaks volumes to me.
What five things are bringing you joy right now? What song is speaking to you right now?
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To take my hands off of my life
And the way it should go
God You don't need me
But somehow You want me
Oh how You love me
Somehow that frees me
To open my hands up
And give You control
I give You control
I know that I often let my earthly flesh take over and want to control my own life when I just need to hand it all over to God. This song will serve as a daily reminder for me.
What five things are bringing you joy right now? What song is speaking to you right now?

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