Friday was one of the happiest days of our lives!!! Nathan and I both took off work for the State Fair...but before going there our lives would change forever! Friday marked day 14 that I was late, and while I had some suspicion I didn't want to get my hopes up. I woke up at 7:30 to take a shower and get ready. I found a test waiting on the counter for me. Nate had it laid out and ready to go. I took the test, and started to brush my teeth. It was supposed to take 3 minutes....but it was ready in like 30 seconds. I glanced over there, expecting it to still be showing the hour glass and thought I'd jump in the shower to let it finish. But much to my surprise it was already done...and it said PREGNANT!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG. I started crying and shaking immediately. I ran to the bed to wake up Nate and handed him the test. It took him a minute to get the sleep out of his eyes and register what was going on. Then he just stared at the test for what seemed like 5 minutes, but I am sure it was like 30 seconds. I fell into his arms and started balling. We've waited for this for so long and now it's finally happened! We didn't have much time to soak it all in because we had to meet our friends for the State Fair. We got ready and headed that way. We took the Dart train to the fair. That was pretty neat. The train took us to the West End and then we hopped on another train that took us to the front gates. It was awesome. The Fair was a lot of fun and we were in good company. Nathan told Trent & Krista our news. He was busting at the seams and had to share with somebody!! It was an exciting day. Until around 4:00ish and I started getting really sick. Bad headache and nausea. Not sure if it was the heat or what. We didn't stay much longer, and then hopped back on the train. That train ride was brutal. It took all I had to not get sick! On our way home we stopped by Walgreens for Tylenol and more pregnancy tests. Which all came out positive too! Proof below:
We told our parents that night. That's another blog and another story! I will write soon. Just wanted to provide you all with this info for now!!!
So excited!!
We are hitting our 6th week and should be due sometime around May 25th. First doctor appt is this Friday, the 2nd of October at 9:30am. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 of a kind, working on a full house!!!!!!!!!!
The Hatton family could not be happier!! We cannot wait to meet baby Hall. We both know you will be the best parents in the world. You have so much love to share and this baby will be the luckiest in the world. We will keep you, Nathan and baby in our prayers. Love you guys!!